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2004年 第42卷 第1期:P77~80

发表日期:2008-10-14李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:刘 俊

摘要: A new specimen (CAGS V 382) (Figs. 1~2) was described and a new species , Parakannemeyeria chengi , was erected based on this specimen. This material was found in the lower part of the Kelamayi Formation (Middle Triassic) of Jimusar , Xinjiang by Professor Cheng Zhengwu.
    It was identified as Parakannemeyeria by : skull curved , long , narrow and high ; preorbital length more than 45% of skull length; the width between orbits less than 40% of the skull length; occipital plate high and narrow. But it also has some characters used to be thought as the diagnosis of Sinokannemeyeria such as broad intertemporal region, reduced nasal middle ridge; these two characters are enough to distinguish this specimen from all other Parakannemeyeria .
    A cladistic analysis was done for the phylogenetic relationship of Parakannemeyeria chengiamong all known species of Sinokannemeyeria , Parakannemeyeria and Xiyukannemeyeria using the characters and data matrix of Liu and Li (2003) , only adding the character states of P. chengi (Table 1) . A shortest tree was obtained , it is nearly the same as the tree of Liu and Li (2003) , other than P. chengi is the sister group of P. shenmuensis . The autopomorphies of P. chengi are indistinct mid-nasal ridge , wide intertemporal region mainly formed by parietal (and interparietal) , the posterior part of jugal arch nearly triangular in cross section.


卷期:42卷 01期

