2004年 第42卷 第2期:P162~165
作者:高玉辉 叶 勇 江 山
摘要:记述了产自四川自贡大山铺中侏罗世峨眉龙属一新种——焦氏峨眉龙(Omeisaurus jiaoi sp. nov.)。新种为大型蜥脚类恐龙,以如下特征区别于其他蜥脚类:前、中部背椎为典型的后凹型,后部背椎为双平型,背椎神经棘呈高大棒状,不分叉;尾椎为弱双凹型,第一尾椎不具扇形尾肋;第一脉弧短小且与第一尾椎关联;锁骨长大;肱骨和股骨细长而圆实;肱骨与股骨长度之比为0.83, 尺骨与肱骨长度之比为0.72, 胫骨与股骨长度之比为0.63。
卷期:42卷 02期
Abstact:An incomplete skeleton of Pliosauroidea from the Middle Jurassic of Zigong , Sichuan , is described in this paper. The main features of the new specimen (ZDM 0185) can be summarized as follows : Individual is medium size. Dorsal vertebrae are amphicoelous , without ventral ridge. Dorsal neural spines are plate-like. Sacral ribs are small , with thin and plate-like distal end. Ilium is small , with thin sacral end and thick acetabulum end. The puboischiatic fenestra is oval in outline.Tibia is about 2/ 5 as long as the length of femur. Fibula is shorter than tibia. Pes has five metatarsals , in which metatarsal I , V are relatively thin and metatarsal II , III , IV are thick. There are 8 phalanges in digit 5.
In view of above features , the new specimen should be included in Bishanopliosaurus . Comparison of ZDM 0185 with Bishanopliosaurus youngi , some differences are present : The sacral end of ilium is small , its width is 58 %~62 %of the acetabulum end. Tibia is about 2/ 5 as long as the length of femur. The front border of acetabulum end of pubis with a concavity. Sacral ribs are small , with thin and plate-like distal end in ZDM 0185. The width of the sacral end is 86% of the acetabulum end. Tibia is about 1/ 3 as long as the length of femur. The front border of acetabulum end of the pubis without a concavity. The sacral ribs are bifurcated in Bishanopliosaurus youngi . Therefore , we suggest that ZDM 0185 is named a new species of Bishanopliosaurus —B . zigongensis sp. nov.
Key words Dashanpu,