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1990年 第28卷 第2期:81~94

发表日期:2009-01-06李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:索菲娅•盖兰—娅瓦洛夫斯卡 齐陶

摘要:Fragments of the postcranial skeleton of a taeniolabidoid multituberculate, ?Lambdopsalis bulla, from the Eocene of China are described. These consist of cervical vertebrae C2-C3 (fused), a fragment of the neural arch of C4, and complete C5-C7, thoracic vertebrae T1-T3, and two humeri, which are the first complete multituberculate humeri ever described. The fusion of C2 and C3, and the stout structure of the humerus with a very large deltopectoral crest, a wide distal end, and prominent radial and ulnar condyles, indicate a fossorial mode of life for ?L. bulla. These poatcranial elements and a wide flattened, skull with a vertical occipital plate, suggest adaptations seen in some modern golden moles and cricetid rodents such as Myospalax that dig with claws and displace the soil with the head.

关键词:始新世 哺乳纲 多瘤齿兽目 斜剪齿兽 掘土适应

卷期:28卷 02期

