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2002年 第40卷 第2期: 161~164

发表日期:2009-01-16李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:王俊卿  王士涛

摘要:In 1993,Mr. Su Yangzheng sent Wang Shitao some fish fossils collected from the uppermostpart of the Lower Heitai Formation of Early Devonian in Mishan and Baoqing counties, Eastern Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China.
   The four plates were collected from Baoqing County. The internal mould of the plate A mightbe the anterior dorso-lateral plate,  the exact place of plate B is not clear,  and there are no
depressions of overlapped area shown on the internal moulds between A and B(Fig . 1,1). Thespecimen of plate C is an incomplete plate, the ornamentation is presented by the irregular andround tubercles on it (Fig.l,2),it may be the extralateral plate . The ornamentation of plate D is shown by the tubercles and worm-form and the short ridge from the mid-plate to the posterior margin (Fig.l,3),it may be the mixilateral plate .The specimen plate E of Mishan County may be an external mould of the posterior ventro-lateral plate. The anterior margin is pointing anteriorly and the overlapped area is obvious, the posterior margin is straight, and the lateral ridge is very clear (Fig.1,4).
   All these plates should be referred to the Placodermi,and may belong to different forms of ?Antiarcha .
   Hou and Boucot(1990) has presented the Balkhash-Mongolia-Okhotsk Region of the Old World Realm in the Devonian, and the Mishan-Baoqing area should be referred to the region. But
the fish fossils in Mishan-Baoqing area cannot be compared with the fish fossils of Kazakhstan and South China, particularly since the specimens are incomplete plates.


卷期:40卷 02期
