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2002年 第40卷 第2期: 146~160

发表日期:2009-01-16李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:A new species of Eomyodon , E.dangheensis,is described based on specimens discovered from the late Oligocene in the Danghe area, Gansu, China. Its main features are: cheek teeth brachydont; lower cheek teeth with posterosinusid; p4 with distinct protostylid and without anteroconid or anterolophid; ml/2 with free anterolophid, long mesolophid, lingually open synclinids, well-developed synclinid IV; Ml/2 with posterior crest of paracone, long and straight mesoloph, long and closed syncline II, and long sinus.   
    Pseudotheridomys asiazicus Wang and Emry, 1990, is transferred to Eomyodon (E. asiaticus) because its cheek teeth, except V 9575 , are more similar to Eomyodon rather than to Pseudotheridomys. V9575 is tentatively retained as Pseudotheridomys sp.
    It is evident that Eomyodon known in Europe occurred and diversified in Asia in late Oligocene, but has not ever been reported from North America. Thus, the exchange of Eomyodon took only place between Asia and Europe in late Oligocene.


卷期:40卷 02期

