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1988年 第26卷 第3期:227~231

发表日期:2009-02-18李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:黄万波 宋方义 郭兴富 陈大远

摘要:Present report results from a tentative study of fossil vertebrates from Xiashan Cave, Luoding County, Guangdong Province. The sediments of the site belong to cave accumulations, in which 3 reptilian fossil spieces and more than 30 spieces of mammlian fossils are found. It is the first time for the discovery of Megalovis guangxiensis Han, Sus austrails Han, Alligator cf. sinensis from Middle Pleistocene cave deposits of Guangdong area, in addition, there are Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi Woodward, Stegodon orientalis Owen, Rattans rattus L. Hystrix  subcrostata Swinhoe, Ursus thibetanus Cuvier, Arczonyx collaris, Paguma larvata Hamilton-Smith, Panthera tigris L. etc. in the Xiahsan Cave Fauna. It seems that this fauna represents a new vertebrate assemblage of late middle Pleistocene in Xijiang River Valley.

卷期:26卷 03期

