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1988年 第26卷 第2期:149~152

发表日期:2009-02-18李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:谢骏义 许俊臣

摘要:The mammalian fossils described in this paper were collected by Qingyang District Museum from Rouyuan town of Huachi County, Gansu, in 1985. They are stored in Gansu Provincial Museum.
    The mammalian fossils consist of the following species: Fells tigris, Crocuta ultima, Eduus hemionus, E. przewalskyi, Coelodonta anziquitatis, Cervus (E.) canadensis, Gazella przewalskyi And Bos primigenius. Crocuta ultima is generally considered as an index fossil form of Late Pleistocene in north China. The age of the mammalian fossils described above may be considered as Late Pleistocene.
The mammalian fossils were buried in silt clay with grayish white and yellow tints. The lithology is basically consistent with that of Ma1an loess of north China. We infer here that these mammals lived in a grassland habitat of temperate zone with a few trees in its eastern border area adjacent to the mountain known as Ziwu in present days.

卷期:26卷 02期

