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1988年 第26卷 第1期:73~75

发表日期:2009-02-18李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:王士涛  曹仁关

摘要:An incomplete external mould of head shield fossil of Macropetalichthyidae was discovered from the lower part of the Guanshang Fm., Lower Devonian of the Shizishan Section in the Guanshang, Yingjiang County, Western Yunnan. The specimen is preserved in the impure sandstone with quartzose conglomerate. The fish-bearing bed is about 10.7 m in thickness and the fish fossil is associated with some invertebrate fossils.
    This fossil fish is similar to Wijdeaspis collected from Lower Devonian of North Europe, particularly the characters of the preorbital plates and its ornamentation. So it is referred to Macropetalichthyidae. Because of only one specimen available, it is reported as an indeterminate genus and species in this paper.

卷期:26卷 01期

