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1982年 第20卷 第3期:257~263

发表日期:2009-03-31李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:王令红 欧阳涟

摘要:Subdivision of the Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna from South China is an subject in discussion.  14 most important sites yielding various members of the fauna are chosen in the present paper for establishing the relationship among the different aspects of the fauna by means of cluster analysis.  The results acquired indicate that the Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna in a broad sense comprises the following types or faunas: Liucheng Gigantapithecus Cave fauna aged Early Pleistocene, a fauna represented by the fossils from Gaoping Dragon-bone Cave (Hubei), Bijiashan (Guangxi) and Dongpaoshan( Hunan) aged later period of Early Pleistocene, and the Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna in a strict sense aged Middle and Late Pleistocene. The main point emphasized here is to prove existence of the fauna transitional from Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave fauna to the Ailurapoda-Stegodon Fauna in a strict sense.

关键词:大熊猫—剑齿象动物群 聚类分析

卷期:20卷 03期

