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1982年 第20卷 第2期:138~147

发表日期:2009-03-31李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:Six small mammals from the Tianzhu Loe. 80007 of Gansu Province, Paralactaga minor sp. nov., Heterosminthus garnsus sp. nov., H. simplicidens sp. nov., Protalactaga cf. tunggurensis Wood, Spalacinae gen. et sp. indet. and Ochotona lagrelii minor Bohlin, are described in this paper. These forms as well as those from the Tianzhu Loc. 80006, Leptodontomys gansus Zheng et Li, Spermophilinus minutus Zheng et Li, Kowalskia sunshanensis Zheng et Li, Prosiphneus licenti tianzhuensis Zheng et Li, Ochotonoides primitivus Zheng et Li and Ochotona lagrelii minor Bohlin (see Zheng et Li, 1982),can be considered to belong to the same fauna. The above association containing a mixture of Asian, European and North American faunal elements is considered to be middle Pliocene in age and roughly equivalent to the Turolian of Europe and Hemphilian of North America.

卷期:20卷 02期

