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1982年 第20卷 第1期:65~71

发表日期:2009-04-01李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要: In 1964, the research workers of the Museum of Jilin Province and other units found out a tooth of fossil man and a lot of mammalian fossils in a cave deposit, which is situated at Shimenshan village, lying 2.5 km. to the southeast of Mingyne town, Antu district. The basement rock of the cave, dipping NE 50°∠62°, is the lower Permian. limestone of Miaoling Formation.  This cave is near by the Burhatong River to the south with an elevation of 365 m, being 25 m high above the river bed. There are four layers of deposit from lower to upper in the cave.
   The tooth of Antu Man (Homo sapiens antuensis),which is the first praemolar one of the lower right side, has been petrified and well preserved. Its field number is 501. According to observation of the tooth, we know that it is in poor health. It fell ill with many kinds of illnesses such as dental caries and withering in periodontosis etc. Judging from the degree of wearing and tearing of the chewing surface, it is of fourth degree of modern. It is suppose to be a man of middle age.
   The mammal fossils associated with fossil man in the cave deposit, total 10 families, 16 genera and 19 species, 4 extinct species included. These fossils all belong to the Mammuthus primigeniusCoelodonta antiquitatis fauna.
   We didn`t find in the vourse of digging and managing, any human tools. But we found, in the course of arranging the specimens, some coarse or fine striae on the surfaces of the fossil animals.  They seem to be made by cut and blow. According to the age determination of C14 of the Mammuthus primigenius (35,400±1,800y. Bp. 26,600±550y. Bp.)  and the Coelodonta antiquitatis  ( 28,700±750y. Bp.), the geological time of Antu Man is the late of late Pleistocene.  Its cultural age belongs to Late-Palaeolithic.

卷期:20卷 01期

