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1982年 第20卷 第1期:58~64

发表日期:2009-04-01李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:In 1955, scientists of the Laboratory of Vertebrate Paleontology discovered 3 teeth of Gigantopithecus associated with mammalian fossils from a limestone cave in Tahsin County, Guangxi.
    Besides Gigantopithecus teeth, the other mammal fossils were not described.
    In 1961, Kahlke gave a list of the most mammalian fossils, but not complete.
    This paper describes the collections of the Tahsin Gigantopithecus cave. The list of the mammalian fossils, including 25 species is given at p. 2-5 in the Chinese text.
    The Gigantopithecus blacki, Dicoryphochoerus ultimus, Sus bijiashanensis, Megalovis guangxiensis are similar to those species of the Liueheng Gigantopithecus cave, and the other 21 species belong to Stegodon-Ailuropoda faunna. The age of this faunna is early Middle Pleistocene.

卷期:20卷 01期

