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1982年 第20卷 第1期:35~44

发表日期:2009-04-01李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:郑绍华 李毅

摘要:Two species of Lagomorphs and four species of Rodents from Loc. 1 of Songshan Commune,Tianzu Xian, Gansu Province, of middle Pliocene in age, are described and compared with those from. Pliocene and Pleistocene were found in China, Europe and America.
   A new species of Ochotonid, which seems to have affinities with the Sanmenian Ochotonoides from North China, may be regarded as the direct ancestry of Ochotonoides complicidens.
   Three new species and one new subspecies of Rodents are also described. Leptodontomys gansus, Spermophilinus minnutus, Kowalskia gansunica and Prosiphneus licentitianzuensis. The find of these species or subspecies not only enriches the Hipparion-Fauna found in North China, but also enlarges the possibility to compare it with those found in Europe and America.

卷期:20卷 01期

