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1981年 第19卷 第4期: 359~371

发表日期:2009-04-02李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:李宣民 张森水

摘要:In building the foundation for a reservoir in the western suburb of Tong-lian county, Si-chuan province, in summer 1976, the workers, the peasants and we there discovered numerous mammalian fossils, the plant fossils and more than 300 pieces of artifacts in the sand layer about 8 meters below the land surface. C14 tests on some plant fossils associated with the artifacts and the mammalian fossils show that they date back to 21550±310 or 25450±850 B.P.
    The present paper deals with a brief study of the artifacts in situ. The study of plants and mammalian fossils in the locality and stratigraphy nearby will be given by us in other paper.

卷期:19卷 04期

