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1981年 第19卷 第3期: 281~291

发表日期:2009-04-02李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:孙建中 王雨灼 姜鹏

摘要:Zhou-jig-you-fang, a little village, is situated on the northern bank of a small branch of the Songhua river(Lat. 44°44` N Long 126°21` E). A Paleolithic site was discovered in October 1977 by the authors and, some stone and bone implements was found there. These cultural remains of the ancient, human consist of stone cores, stone flakes stone points, stone scrapers and a spade made in a piece of Mammuthus tooth, a bone spear head, bone points, bone scrapers, bone digging instruments. Basing on the characters of these cultural remains, they are judged to belong to the early stage of the late paleolithic period.
Almost all these cultural remains are laied together with the fossils of the Mammuthus-Coeledonta Fauna.
   At first, most of these cultural remains were dug out from the Guxiangtun formation, which belongs to the late Pleistocene period, dated by the C14 determinations of the wood fossils from the Locality 1. in>40,000 years B.P. and from the Locality 4 in 26,740±735 B.P. or 26,100±850 B.P.
   But on the other hand, some cultural remains, together with the mammalian fossils,were also put out from the middle holocenic strata, named Tantu formation. Four wood fossils from the Tantu formation at Locality 2 mark the following  C14 dates:
    7,380±100 B.P., 7,300±100 B.P., 7.250±140 B.P., and 6,060±100 B.P.
But a leg of a Coelogonta dug from the same locality is dated by the C14 determination in 31,800±900 B.P. It shows that, these cultural remains together with the mammalian fossils from the Tantu formation were removed from the Gugangtun formation. So all the cultural remains found in this region should belong to a single culture of the Paleolithic human. Perhaps, the masters of this culture lived between 40,000-70,000 years B.P.
   Mammuthus-Coelodonta fauna is a typical periglacical fauna.
   So it is known that, the masters of this culture had lived in the circumstance of a cold climate of the last glacial period. They have developed their shiny culture in bitter struggle against the bed natural conditions. They lived on hunting and collecting.

卷期:19卷 03期

