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1981年 第19卷 第3期: 218~227

发表日期:2009-04-02李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:The described Oligocene vertebrate fossils were collected in lake and swamp deposits of the Nanning Basin.
   The Lower Tertiary is subdivided into three formations.
    1.  The Red Stone Formation: This Formation is 100-220 meters in thickness. It is considered early to middle Eocene in age.
    2.  The Naduo Formation: That the lake and swamp deposits contain lignite. This Formation is 143-228 meters in thickness. It is considered late Eocene in age.
    3.  The Yongning Formation: This Formation consists of three members,
   The lower member: That the swamp deposits contain lignite. This member is 191 meters in thickness. It is considered early Oligocene in age. The species of fossils includes: Heothema nanningensis sp. nov. Crocodilus sp.
   The middle member: That the lake deposits. This member is 188 meters in thickness. It is considered Oligocene in age.
   The upper member: That the swamp deposits contain lignite. This member is >264 meters in thickness. It is considered Oligocene in age. The species of fossils includes: Crocodilus sp. Pscudobagrus sp. Emydidae gen. et sp. indet.

卷期:19卷 03期

