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1981年 第19卷 第3期: 200~207

发表日期:2009-04-02李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:A crocodilian mandibular specimen was found occasionally by the author from a pieces of fossiliferous rock, which had been collected by the numbers of IVPP from Anhui Province of China during 1970-1972, the note on it is given as follows:
  Order Crocodylia
   Suborder Sebecosuchia, Simpson, 1937
    Family Wanosuchidae, fam. nov.
     Genus Wanosuchus, gen. nov.
      Species Wanosuchus atresus sp. nov.

  Type: An almost complete mandible, with the part of retroarticular process missing only. IVPP. No.V 6262.
  Locality and Horizon: The southern district of Anhui Province, concrete locality and horizon are uncertain;(?)Palaeocene.
  Diagnosis:Small size. Snout short. Posterior half part of mandible deep, no external mandibular foramen, situation of the doubled“jaw articulation”high. Upper-rim of surangular above mandibular adductor fossa straight and not curved upwards. Upper-rim of anterior half part of mandible undulatory strongly. Anterior tip of splenial reaches mandibular symphysis, but not enters into it. Number of lower jaw teeth less(13),teeth compressed laterally, antero-posterior sarnae sharp. First dentary tooth a little stronger and procumbent forwards, fourth and eleventh teeth largest and crown of last tooth short and blunt.  External surface of mandible covered all over with crocodilian scuipture, excepting the part of retroarticular process.

卷期:19卷 03期

