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1981年 第19卷 第3期: 197~199

发表日期:2009-04-02李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:A left lower tooth plate discovered from marine Zhangyiaying Formation of Devonian of (Qujing county, Yunnan is here described to represent a new species in a new genus.
   Unfortunately tooth plate is incomplete, and most of the enamel covering the ridge was washed away. The tooth plate is of intermediate size, length of the tooth plate 21mm, breadth 16mm, fan-shaped in outline, with convex longitudinal exterior margin. The preserved posterior short margin about 1/3 of the anterior long margin. The tooth plate with 9 (the first ridge about 1/2 of the anterior long) ridges, bearing small and round denticles, 2-6 on each ridge in the preserved except the first, divided by deep groove between them. The ridges nearly parellel, dorsal surfaces of the ridges covered with enamel, the groove rough and lacking the enamel covering. The second ridge stouter and higher with an isolated denticle at the exterior end. On the face of the tooth plate with a more shallow trough near the exterior margin. The third ridge longer and slightly arched outward.
   The specimen is similar in several features to Dipterus but differs from the latter in the shape of the tooth plate, and numbers of the ridge and denticles on each ridge. The Qujing specimen and Sunwapta are alike in the form and structure of the lower tooth plate, but in Sunwapta the lower tooth plate is bigger, the ridges show faint sign of becoming subdivided into small denticles, so the distinction between the Qujing specimen and Sunwapta are very clear. It differs also from Palaedophus in the respects of the size of the tooth plate and number of the ridges. Although the specimen is similar in the number of the ridges to Rhinodipterus, yet differs from latter in the numbers of the denticles on each ridge. The Qujing specimen and Chriodipterus resemble each other in the shape of the tooth plate but the tooth plate of Chriodipterus is bigger the ridge and denticles are less. Therefore there is no doubt that the tooth plate from (Qujing represents a new genus and named Dongshanodus qujingensis gen. et sp. nov.
   There are a lot of brachiopods and other animal with Dipnoan symbiosis which proving this fish lived in a marine environment.
   Besides the tooth plate described in this paper, a well preserved part of the skull roof of Dipnoan was found several years ago from Guangnan, Yunnan.      

卷期:19卷 03期


