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1980年 第18卷 第4期: 327~333

发表日期:2009-04-27李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:贾兰坡 卫奇

摘要:Some animal fossils were discovered from the Holocene stratum being over 10 metres below the surface of the cauce of the Sangganhe River, at Dingjiabu Reservoir (40°06`N., 114°20`E.) in Yangyuan County, Heibe Province.
    The discovered fossils are: Lepidodesma languilati, Lamprotula bazini, Unio douglasiae, Corbicula aurea, Hippeutis sp., Threskiornis cf. aethiopica, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Elephas maximus Equus przewalskyi, Coelodonta antiquitatis, Cervus elaphus and Bos pri migenius.
    In the site, there is a lot of tree trunks associated with the fossils discovered. The trunk for C-14 dating gives a date of 3630±90 or 3830±85 years ago which is approximately corresponding to the age of the Late Hsia or the Early Shang (Yin) Dynasty of China.
    Here, as you see, part of the discovered materials, such as Lepidodesma languilati and Elephas maxi mus etc., suggests that the climate of N. China then basically was the same as that of S. China now, and indicates that some animals, such as Bos pri migenius and Coelodonta antiquiatis etc., were not extinct at the Late Pleistocene in N. China, they still survived at the Holocene in N. China.

卷期:18卷 04期

