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1980年 第18卷 第2期: 163~168

发表日期:2009-04-28李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:This is a short note of some mammalian remains found in the Holocene beds in Changdu, Xizang. The archaeological site is located in Changdu 12 km. above the level of sea 3100 m. The animal remains in the collection include the following species:
          Ochotona sp.
          Rattus sp.
          Vulpes sp.
          Sus sp.
          Hydropotes inermis Sw.
          Cervus elaphus L.
          Bovidae indet.
          Capreolus capreolus L.
          Procapra picticaudata Pallas
          Naemorhedus goral Hardwicke
          Capricornis sp.
    From the list mentioned above the animal assemblage of Neolithic age are perfectly similar to these animals still survive in the region at the present day.
    The investigation of the animal remains has disclosed some interesting facts that there are older, young and sick individuals among some animals. This condition shows that the dwellers of Gazo site at Neolithic age’ lived by hunting.
Judging from the mammalian fauna and Pollen-Spores assemblage in the Gazo site, it seems to indicate that the age of mammalian remains bearing beds belongs to Late Holocene; Carbon-14 dating of the Carbon from the Gazo site indicates an age of 4690±135 years ago.

卷期:18卷 02期

