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1980年 第18卷 第1期: 65~75

发表日期:2009-04-28李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要: The main features of the skulls from Ye-dian cemetery are as follows: In vertical view, the skulls are sphenoid ( 37.5 % ),pentagonoid and ovoid (25%) in shape. The nasal apertures are mainly pear-shaped. The lower edge of the nasal aperture shows fossa praenasales(40%) and infantile form (40%). Canine fossa shallow, the upper incisers shovel-shaped, orbits ellipsoid in shape. In addition, occipital deformation and the extraction of upper lateral incisers have been observed.
    The chief measurements of the skulls are as follows: the mean maximum length of the skull, 181.4 mm; maximum breadth, 146.0 mm; basion bregma height, 141.7 mm; length-breadth index (80.49) belongs to brachycrany but tends to mesocrany; length-height index 78.11 (hypsicrany); breadth-height index (97.05) belongs to mesotricrany but tends to acrocrany. The mean upper facial height 73.3 mm; bizygomatic breadth, 137.3 mm; uper facial index (53.28) belongs to meseny; nasal index 47.33 (mesorrhiny); orbital index (75.12) belongs to chamaeconchy, but tends to mesoconchy.
    The skulls from the Ye-dian neolithic site are closer to those of the Ta-wen-kou and Shi-hsia-hou sites than to those of the other Chinese sites in non-metric and metric features. The author believed that the inhabitants of the Ye-dian neolithic site belonged to the same racial type as those of the Ta-wen-kou and Shi-hsia-hou sites which had been considered by Yen Yin as morphologically belonging to Polynesian type.
    In comparing the skulls of these three groups (the latter two groups studied by Yen Yin) with these of the Mongoloid populations from Siberia, Arctic Region, Eastern Asia, Southern Asia, Polynesia, northern and southern China the author finds that the inhabitants of the three Neolithic sites in Shantung province are more similar to those of the southern China than to Polynesians.

卷期:18卷 01期

