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1980年 第18卷 第1期: 28~32

发表日期:2009-04-28李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:Huhebolhe Cliff of Inner Mongolia, i.e.“Camp Margetts”(see Radinsky, 1964),is situated 40 km.(25 miles) to the southwest of Erenhot Shi city and 20 km. to the east of Maoden (Eren Nor Commune, Sunid Youqi).
    Formerly, all the fossils found in this area was considered to be of Upper Eocene Irdin Manha Formation. But, recent investigation indicates that the early Tertiary strata of Camp Margetts area at least can be further subdivided into three distinct parts:
    1)   Upper: Irdin Manha (Late Eocene), with fossil mammals described in this paper (field loc. no. 77037) and others, about 5 m thick.
    2)   Middle: Arshanto (Middle Eocene, with 35 mammalian species, including 27 new ones, are recognized at present in the fauna (Qi, under investigation). ( 77027, 77034, 77036, 77039),about 30 m.
    3)  Lower: Bayan Ulan (Early Eocene),with Mongolotheriurn sp. etc.(under investigation). about 36 m.
    Mammalian species known in the Irdin Manha of Hnhebolhe Cliff are as following:
Order Condylarthra
  Fam. Arctocyonidae Murray, 1866
  Gen. Paratriisodon Chow, 1959
  Paratriisodon gigas Chow, Li et Chang (Chang), 1973
  Material: V 5806.1-4. two broken upper molars; a lower molar, and an incisor.
      Order Pantodonta gen. et sp. indet.
Material: V 5807, an incisor.
Order Perissodactyla
  Fam. Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873
   Protitan minor Granger et Gregory, 1943
      Protitan sp.
    Material:V 5808. 1-5, a broken maxilla with half M2 and a  M3; a left M1; a right femur; a left tarsal bone; a left intermediate carpal bone.
Fam. Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965
  Lophialetes expeditus Matthew et Granger, 1925
 Material: V 5809, a mandible with dP2-4 and  M1.
Fam. Hyracodontidae Cope, 1939
  Forstercooperia confluens Wood, 2nd, 1963
    These fossils, except Protitan minor and Forsterccoperia confluens, were collected in 1977.
    Paratriisodon gigas is known for the first time in Inner Mongolia. It was first reported by Chou (Chow, 1959) as Paratriisodon sp. Later, Chou, Li and Chang (1973) named it as a new species, i.e. Paratriisodon gigas.
    Diagnosis of Paratriisodon gigas:1) size very large;2) paracone and metacone subequal;3)  cingula developed;4) paraconule and metaconule present on upper molars;5) a distinct transverse groove on lower molar between the main cusp (prd) and metastylid.

卷期:18卷 01期


