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1975年 第13卷 第3期: 169~177

发表日期:2009-05-06李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:In 1963-1965, a field team was sent by the Institute (IVPP) to Laotian District including Laotian, Lintung, Weinan, Changan, Huahsien and Sian, for investigating and exploring the Cenozoic stratigraphy and mammalian fossils. The present article deals with the Quaternary mammalian fossils discovered largely from the Pleistocene reddish clays.
    In comparision with the more typical Early Pleistocene faunas of North China, the Laotian fauna is similar to those of Nihowan and Loc. 18 of Chouhoutien. Of the Laotian fauna 12 species (55%) also encountered in Nihowon and 4 species (17%) in Loc. 18 of Choukoutien. The Nihowon fauna includes three ancient survivals: Hiapparion, Postschizotherium and Megccnteron. The Laotian fauna comprises an ancient surival: Hipparion. Therefore, it seems obvious that the Laotian fauna correspondent to the Nihowan one or later somewhat. The mammalian fauna indicates that the phycial geographical condition of the Laotian area was a dominance of animals of grassland and forest. The grassland forms are comparatively abundent than forest
forms in number of species.

卷期:13卷 03期

