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1973年 第11卷 第2期: 182~191

发表日期:2009-05-12李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:In 1964, a field party of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Academia Sinica, discovered at two localities in one and the same bed at southern boarder of Dzungaria Basin of Sinkiang a fragment of Lophiomergx lower jaw and fossils of some giant rhinoceros. The Lophiomeryx had been described and published soon after (Vertebrate PalAsiatica, v. 9, n, 4;1965),the remainders including an enormous skull of a giant rhinoceros with lower jaw, which is the most perfectly preserved indricotherid skull yet discovered so far, and some foot-bones are described here as a new genus and species, Dzungariotherium orgosensis.
    Detailed description and measurements are given in the foregoing Chinese text. Dzungariotherium may be briefly defined as an aberrant paracerathere with some indricothere affinities. The characters of the skull and lower jaw of the new genus resemble Paraceratherium in the followings:1) The height of the occipital condyles is only about 1/3 of that of occiput;2 ) sagittal crest expands into a small flattened plate;3) paroccipital, posttympanic and postglenoid processes extend much lower than occipital condyles; 4) postglenoid process is located in the inner-posterior side of the glenoid cavity; 5) maxillar and premaxillar bones bend upwards markedly;6) nasal notch deep;7) upper incisors reduced to very small ones, P1 absent, P2  triangular;8) diastema nearly absent, etc. 
    On the other hand Dzungariotherium shows some peculiar features. These are: 1) it is probably larger than all known species, except some teeth from Hami of the same region;2) the space between paroccipital-posttympanic process and postglenoid process is small;3) zygomatic arches expand posteriorly, just before the glenoid;4) symphysis strongly constricted and bends upwards instead of being downwards;5) lower incisors much reduced;6 ) upper premolars much broadened transversely.
    Associated foot-bones, except being more robust and broadened, show mixing characters of both paracerathere and indricothere.
    Considering the above cited contradictory features of Dzungariotherium and the evident progressiveness of the formerly described species of Lophiomeryx, it seems reasonable to determine the fossil-bearing bed as of late Oligocene age or even a little later.

卷期:11卷 02期


