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发表日期:2016-02-29来源:放大 缩小


摘要甘肃省早白垩世地层中,出土了大量恐龙骨骼以及恐龙足迹化石,但是至今未有蛋化石的报道。根据发现于兰州民和盆地下白垩统河口组的蛋壳化石,建立一恐龙蛋新属、新种,并将其归于一新科:Polyclonoolithidae (多小枝蛋科)。新发现的蛋化石标本不同于所有已知的恐龙蛋类型,具有独特的显微特征组合:分叉的蛋壳单元向外延伸至蛋壳外表面,并未在靠近蛋壳外表面处融合成层;弦切面上具相互链接或独立的多角形的蛋壳单元;以及不规则的气孔通道。中国的恐龙蛋化石大多出自晚白垩世地层,仅在辽宁有早白垩世恐龙蛋的报道。新发现扩展了中国恐龙蛋化石的地质和地理分布,也有可能为圆形蛋科蛋壳结构的起源提供新的认识。
关键词:甘肃兰州民和盆地,早白垩世,多小枝蛋科, 恐龙蛋 
卷期: 第54卷,第1期

A new type of dinosaur eggs from Early Cretaceous of Gansu Province, China

  Xie Jun-Fang, Zhang Shu-Kang, Jin Xing-Sheng, Li Da-Qing, Zhou Ling-Qi  

Abstract   The Early Cretaceous outcrops in Gansu Province, northern China, have yielded numerous dinosaur skeleton remains and tracks; however, fossil eggs have not been reported in literatures. Here, we describe a new type of dinosaur eggs from the Lower Cretaceous Hekou Group in the Lanzhou-Minhe Basin, representing a new oogenus and a new oospecies, attributed to a new oofamily. The new specimen can be distinguished from other known dinosaur eggs by the combination of the following eggshell micro-features: branched eggshell units lacking a compact layer near the outer surface; interlocking or isolated multi-angular eggshell units, as viewed in tangential sections; and irregular pore canals. Dinosaur eggs from China largely come from the Late Cretaceous deposits, with occasional reports from the Early Cretaceous in Liaoning Province, northeastern China. The new discovery expands the geological and geographical distribution of the fossil record of dinosaur eggs in China and may reveal the origin of eggshell microstructures of spheroolithid eggs.
Key words   Lanzhou-Minhe Basin, Gansu; Early Cretaceous; Polyclonoolithidae, dinosaur egg 




