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发表日期:2018-04-02放大 缩小


摘要描述了中国甘肃省临夏盆地麦大地点库班猪类化石的一件部分破损的头骨标本,建立了库班猪属的一个新种——小库班猪(Kubanochoerus parvus sp. nov.)。新种个体较小,与K. massaiK. minheensis类似;颊齿较宽,与K. massai类似;其他进步的特征如增大的中央门齿、愈合的前颌骨、显著向后延伸的腭骨、长的P1P2/p1p2齿隙等则与K. gigas类似;它代表了欧亚大陆库班猪的一个单独的支系。麦大地点的层位大致相当于虎家梁组的顶部或者柳树组的底部,因此新种可能是目前已知时代最晚的库班猪化石。根据对已知库班猪类化石的对比,Libycochoerus被认为是Kubanochoerus的同物异名,K. robustusK. lantienensis被认为是K. gigas的同物异名,且没有足够的证据支持将K. gigas划分为两个亚种。Kubanochoerus gigas可能演化自较K. massai更早的原始类型,而新种可能演化自K. massai或者更原始的类型。Kubanochoerus minheensis则代表了欧亚大陆库班猪的另外一个独立的支系,该种保持了较小的体型,但牙齿有亚脊型化的趋势。 

A new species ofKubanochoerus(Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the Linxia Basin, Gansu Province, China

HOU Su-Kuan, DENG Tao

Abstract   A new specimen of kubanochoeres has been discovered from the Maida locality, Linxia Basin, Gansu Province, China, and a new species, Kubanochoerus parvus sp. nov., has been created based on the unique partially broken cranium. The new species has a relatively small body size similar to K. massai and K. minheensis. The new species, which possesses relatively wide cheek teeth that resemble those of K. massai and many derived characters that are similar to K. gigas, may represent a separate lineage of the Eurasian kubanochoeres. The horizon of the Maida locality is speculated to be the upper Hujialiang Formation or lower Liushu Formation, and the new species is possibly the youngest known kubanochoere. Based on the comparison of the known kubanochoere, Libycochoerus is suggested to be a synonym of Kubanochoerus, while K. robustus and K. lantienensis are synonyms of K. gigas. There is not sufficient evidence to support the subdivision of K. gigas at the subspecies level. Kubanochoerus gigas is speculated to have derived from more primitive forms that existed earlier than K. massai, and the new species may be derived from K. massai or other earlier forms. Kubanochoerus minheensis, which bears a relatively small body size and rudimentary sub-lophodont dentition, is suggested to be another separate lineage of the Eurasian kubanochoeres. 
Key words   Linxia Basin; Neogene; Suidae; Listriodontinae; Kubanochoerus