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发表日期:2020-07-16放大 缩小

作者:董 为,白炜鹏,潘 越,刘文晖

摘要:20世纪80年代在桑干河盆地一带考察泥河湾层时,在山西省天镇县南高崖乡的台家坪、水冲口和大庄科的辛窑子沟一带发现了很多哺乳动物化石地点并出土了很多哺乳动物化石。最近对其中鹿科化石的研究鉴定出7个种:步氏麂(Muntiacus bohlini)、化德祖鹿相似种(Cervavitus cf. C. huadeensis)、山西轴鹿(Axis shansius)、华丽日本鹿(Nipponicervus elegans)、始麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus predavidianus)、双叉麋鹿(E. bifurcatus )及赤鹿(Cervus (Elaphus) elaphus)。其中前6个种产自台家坪和水冲口化石地点的泥河湾组中,层位相当于欧洲的中、晚维拉方期,即早更新世。而赤鹿产自大庄科化石地点,层位目前还不确定,但可能也是泥河湾组。因此在辛窑子沟一带的早更新世目前发现的鹿科化石至少有6个种。其中的化德祖鹿相似种和山西轴鹿是从晚新近纪残留下来的种类,而步氏麂、华丽日本鹿、始麋鹿和双叉麋鹿是早更新世出现的新种类。如果大庄科地点的层位可以确定为早更新世的话,赤鹿的最早记录可以回溯到早更新世,其鹿角的演化是始于无冰枝,然后出现冰枝。另外,在中国大陆和日本列岛都发现过麋鹿和日本鹿化石,进一步说明在早更新世期间海平面曾经下降很多,使得大陆的一些鹿类得以迁徙到列岛上。最后,数量较多的低冠鹿科化石标本指示桑干河盆地一带在早更新世存在一定范围的森林环境。



New material of Cervidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from Xinyaozi Ravine in Shanxi, North China

DONG Wei, BAI Wei-Peng, PAN Yue, LIU Wen-Hui

Abstract   Many cervid specimens were uncovered during the field exploration for Nihewan beds at the beginning of the 1980s from Taijiaping, Shuichongkou and Dazhuangke localities along Xinyaozi Ravine at Nangaoya Township of Tianzhen County, Shanxi Province in North China. Recent studies on the cervid material identified seven species of Cervidae in total: Muntiacus bohlini, Cervavitus cf. C. huadeensis, Axis shansius, Nipponicervus elegans, Elaphurus davidianus predavidianus, E. bifurcatus from the Early Pleistocene deposits at Taijiaping and Shuichongkou localities, and Cervus (Elaphus) elaphus from uncertain horizon at Dazhuangke. At least the previous six species of cervids were from Nihewan Formation (Nihewanian or equivalent to European middle and late Villafranchian), i.e. the Early Pleistocene, in Sangganhe Basin area. Cervavitus cf. C. huadeensis and A. shansius were survivors from the Late Neogene; M. bohlini, N. elegans, E. davidianus predavidianus and E. bifurcatus are new forms of the Early Pleistocene. If Dazhuangke horizon can be dated as those of Shuichongkou and Taijiaping localities, the appearance of elaphoid cervids could be traced back to the Early Pleistocene, and the evolution of elaphoid antler would start from absence to presence of bez tine. The presence of Elaphurus and Nipponicervus in mainland China and Japanese archipelago implies further that the sea level was dropped down that these cervids could migrate from the mainland to the islands. The abundance of folivorous cervid specimens in the Xinyaozi Ravine area indicates the existence of a certain scale of forested environment in Sangganhe Basin area during the Early Pleistocene.

Key words   Xinyaozi, Tianzhen County, Nihewan Formation; Sangganhe Basin, middle and late Villafranchian, Early Pleistocene; Cervidae