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发表日期:2020-04-14放大 缩小

作者:张佩琪,张晓凌,Sam LIN,郭家龙,王惠民,Nicolas ZWYNS,彭 菲,高

摘要: 水洞沟遗址第2 地点2014-2015 年的发掘集中于2003-2007 发掘区北侧的T3 区域,面积约80m2。对应2003-2007 发掘的层位划分,本次发掘共揭露6 个文化层 (Culture Layer/CL),各层位都有发现文化遗物,其中2003-2007 发掘揭露的CL4 T3 发掘区缺失。本文对2014-2015 年系统发掘的T3 6 个层位中出土的2723 件石制品进行研究。此次初步分析显示,CL1-CL5 T3 发掘区的主要石制品出土层位,又以CL3 遗存最为密集。硅质白云岩和燧石是主要的原料,其中硅质白云岩在各层中比例均接近半数。石器技术以锤击法为主,砸击法比例在后期有所增加。遗址整体文化面貌表现为典型的中国北方简单石片技术传统并有着较低的石核利用率,但在CL2 CL3 石核利用率稍有提升,其石片产品总体以宽型石片为主。二次修理工具比例较低,并且以边刃刮削器为主,但也有比较有特色的楔形器发现出土。与2003-2007 T1-T2 发掘区出土石制品进行简单对比发现,原料利用和石制品的层位组成都存在一定差异,这很可能是因为分析标准和发掘位置的差异所致。

关键词: 水洞沟第2 地点;旧石器时代晚期;石制品;石片工业;

DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2019.0031中图法分类号: K871.11; 文献标识码: A; 文章编号: 1000-3193(2020)01-0030-12


A preliminary analysis of the stone artifacts from the 2014~2015 excavation of Shuidonggou Locality 2, Ningxia Autonomous Region

ZHANG Peiqi, ZHANG Xiaoling, Sam LIN, GUO Jialong, WANG Huimin4 Nicolas ZWYNS, PENG Fei, GAO Xing


Abstract: The excavation of Shuidonggou Locality 2 in 2014~2015 was focused on uncovering an area (T3) north of the units (T1 & T2) excavated previously in 2003~2007. The area exposed in T3 was approximately 80 m2 in surface area and about 8 m in depth. A total of six cultural layers (CLs) were identified from the stratigraphic sequence; all of the layers correspond to those in T1 and T2, except for CL4 which is present in the previously excavated units but absent in T3. This paper reports on the analysis of 2723 lithic artifacts unearthed from the renewed excavation at T3. By analyzing the lithic raw material and the technology/typology of the stone artifacts among the cultural layers, we characterize diachronic shifts in lithic production strategy at SDG2. Results of this study provide additional evidence for understanding the behavior and adaptation of past human groups at Shuidonggou Locality 2.

Key words: Shuidonggou Locality 2; Upper Paleolithic; stone artifacts; simple flake technology