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发表日期:2020-04-14来源:放大 缩小

作者:李文成,汪松枝,顾万发,刘 拓,李昱龙,何嘉宁

摘要:老奶奶庙第3 地点位于河南省郑州市,年代距今约4.5 万年或稍早。2016 年度的发掘,发现动物化石575 件,石制品66 件。从遗物的密度和分布情况来看,本遗址应为第1 地点或其它中心营地外围的临时性地点,古人类曾在此活动,但并不频繁。动物化石的种属组合揭示出当时应为草原- 疏林景观。石制品属于典型的华北地区小石片石器工业,与本区MIS3 阶段其他遗址工业面貌相似,应属于同一技术体系。


DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2018.0025; 中图法分类号: K871.11; 文献标识码: A; 文章编号: 1000-3193(2020)01-0042-10


A primary research of the Laonainaimiao Locality 3 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province

LI Wencheng, WANG Songzhi, GU Wanfa, LIU Tuo, LI Yulong, HE Jianing

Abstract: Located at Zhengzhou, Laonainaimiao Locality 3 is estimated to be 45 Ka or earlier. Excavation in 2016 revealed 575 pieces of bones and 66 pieces of lithics. Compared to the central campsite at Locality 1, the density and distribution of artifacts at Locality 3 suggested that it might have been a temporary stop where ancient hominids visited occasionally. The faunal remains indicated an environment with forest and steppe, while the lithic assemblage resembles other sites in this area during MIS 3, belonging to a lithic industry in northern China characterized by small flakes.

Keywords: Laonainaimiao Locality 3; MIS3; temporary stop; lithic industry
