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发表日期:2020-04-14来源:放大 缩小

作者:谢光茂,林 强,余明辉,陈晓颖,胡章华,鹿化煜,黄秋艳

摘要:广西百色盆地旧石器工业因含有众多的手斧且年代早到803 kaBP 而闻名于世。盆地内发育有7级河流阶地,其中第IV 级阶地发现有手斧和玻璃陨石。自从1973年第一个石器地点被发现,越来越多的遗址或地点被调查发现和发掘。以前研究认为,百色盆地旧石器只出自网纹红土层,年代均为803 kaBP2013年以前,通常只在土状堆积的上部发掘,从来没有人对第IV 级阶地的沉积物从地表到底部砾石层进行系统发掘,因此关于第IV 级阶地的整体地层堆积情况及含石器层位很模糊。2013-2014年,广西文物保护与考古研究所会同田东县博物馆对百色盆地最重要的旧石器遗址之一—— 田东高岭坡遗址进行了系统的考古发掘。此次发掘从遗址的地表往下一直发掘到砾石层,揭露出厚度超过7m 的完整地层序列,发现1 处小型石器制造场和1处用火遗迹。在不同地层中发现石制品800多件,包括砍砸器、手镐、刮削器等。涵盖旧石器和新石器两个时代。根据地层对比和石制品的特征及测年结果,我们把旧石器时代文化遗存可分为3 期:第一期的年代早于或等于803 kaBP,第二期为15 kaBP,第三期约为10 kaBP


DOI: 10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2018.0046; 中图法分类号: K871.11; 文献标识码: A; 文章编号: 1000-3193(2020)01-0106-12


Stratigraphy and chronology of the Gaolingpo site in the Bose Basin, South China

XIE Guangmao, LIN Qiang, YU Minghui, CHEN Xiaoying, HU Zhanghua, LU Huayu, HUANG Qiuyan

Abstract: The Palaeolithic industry in the Bose Basin, Guangxi, South China is well known in the international Paleolithic community for its handaxes dating back to 803 kaBP. Seven fluvial terraces were developed in the basin, but the fourth terrace is the most important archaeologically because handaxes and tektites were recovered from this terrace. Since the first site was discovered in 1973, additional sites of the Bose Palaeolithic industry have been investigated and excavated, most of which are located on the fourth terrace. Previous studies concluded that there is only one industrial phase within the depositional sequence of terrace four and its age is 803 kaBP. However, before 2013 no attempt had been made to excavate to the basal gravels from top of the fourth terrace, and therefore the depositional sequence was not completely investigated. Until now, the stratigraphy and the layers from which the stone artifacts derived in terrace four were not clear. In 2013-2014, we conducted an excavation over an area of 200m2 at the Gaolingpo site, which is one of the most important Palaeolithic sites in the Bose Basin. We excavated to the basal gravel deposits from the top of this terrace, and a section of more than 7m thick was exposed, with the stratigraphic layers of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits clearly presented. Furthermore, more than 800 stone artifacts including choppers, picks, and scrapers were recovered from several stratigraphic layers, which have different ages and characteristics. Based on stratigraphic analysis and the stone artifacts, three stages of Palaeolithic cultural remains from the Gaolingpo site are established. The first stage has an age of at least 803 kaBP, the second stage can be dated to 15 kaBP, and the third stage is 10 kaBP.

Keywords: Bose Basin; South China; Stratigraphy; Chronology; Cultural sequence; Palaeolithic
