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发表日期:2020-04-28来源:放大 缩小



关键词: 内蒙古;扎赉诺尔; 蘑菇山北遗址;旧石器时代晚期;打制石器

中图法分类号 : K871.11; 文献标识码: A;

A preliminary report on the survey and test excavation of the Mogushanbei site in Zhalainuoer district, Inner Mongolia

WANG Yinghua, SUN Zudong, SHAN Mingchao, HE Jia, LIU Wang, CHEN Fuyou

Abstract: The Mogushanbei site is located at the north foot of a hill called Mogushan in Zhalainuoer District, Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia, China. The site was discovered in 1980, and plenty of chipped stone artifacts were collected at that year and 1990. Based on the technological features of the stone artifacts, the site was considered to Late Paleolithic. The site was reinvestigated in August of 2018, and about 400 chipped stone artifacts were collected from the surface and the uppermost breccia layer of three tested pits. Artifacts were made of local andesite of the Mogushan hill. The lithic assemblage includes cores, flakes, chunks, and retouched pieces, and the size of the artifacts is relatively large. However, many small flakes were yielded from the Test Pit 3 which was not recognized on the surface materials. By a preliminary analysis of the lithic technology, the assemblage more likely resembles the simple core-flake technology in North China, and could be a Late Paleolithic assemblage.

Keywords: Inner Mongolia; Zhalainuoer District; Mogushanbei site; Paleolithic; Chipped Stone Artifacts
