

Woo Jukang (1916-2006)

“Be diligent, rigorous, practical and innovative”

  江苏武进人,中共党员。中国古人类学奠基人。1949年获美国圣路易华盛顿大学哲学博士学位。对我国1949-1966年期间出土的大多数人类和猿类化石作了第一手的描述和比较性研究,是研究中国出土人类化石的第一位中国体质人类学家,提出建立“今人类学”并在此领域开展了大量基础性工作。1980年当选中科院学部委员(院士)。曾当选国际人类学及民族学协会荣誉终身会员、联合国史前学和原史学协会常设委员会委员、国际古人类学协会执行委员会委员、英国皇家人类学研究所荣誉学术委员。2020年获小 行星命名。曾任古脊椎所副所长。

Dr. Woo Jukang was born in Wujing County, Jiangsu Province, and he was a CPC member and the founder of paleoanthropology in China. He received his Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis, USA in 1949. He made first-hand descriptions and comparative studies of most of the human and ape fossils unearthed in China between 1949 and 1966, and was the first Chinese physical anthropologist to study human fossils unearthed in China. Woo proposed a new discipline, “Neoanthropology”, and carried out a large amount of basic research in this field. He was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980. In addition, he was a life-long honorary member of the International Association of Anthropology and Ethnology, a member of the United Nations Prehistory and Early History Permanent Committee, a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Paleoanthropology, and an honorary member of the Royal Anthropological Institute. An asteroid was named after Wu in 2020. He served as vice director of the IVPP.

