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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Machairodus_horribilis头骨材料记述 邱占祥,史勤勤,刘金毅; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
步林在甘肃党河流域塔奔布鲁克地区的早期工作记录 王晓鸣 王伴月 邱占祥; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
Virtual cranial endocast of the oldest giant panda (Ailuropoda microta) reveals great similarity to that of its extant relative DONG W; Naturwissenschaften 2008
Nouveau matériel de Leptobos (Smertiobos) crassus (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) du Pléistocène inférieur à Renzidong (Chine de l’est). DONG W; Geobios 2008
安徽淮南大居山的早更新世猪化石 DONG W; 古脊椎动物学 2008
河南许昌灵井旧石器遗址的偶蹄类 DONG W; 古脊椎动物学 2008
大熊猫化石副鼻窦的3D成像及其虚拟解剖 DONG W; 中国图象图形学报 2008
中国南方早更新世巨猿动物群层序对比和动物地理 金昌柱, 郑家坚, 王元, 徐钦琦; 人类学学报 2008
广西崇左三合巨猿大洞早更新世小哺乳动物群 金昌柱, 秦大公, 潘文石, 王元, 张颖奇, 邓成龙, 郑家坚; 第四纪研究 2008
A new species of the extinct vole Villanyia from Renzidong Cave, Anhui, East China, with discussion on related species from China and Transbaikalia Zhang Y Q, Kawamura Y, Jin C. Z; Quaternary International 2008
Well-dated small mammal fauna of Early Pleistocene age from the Xiaochangliang site in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei, northern China. Zhang Y Q, Kawamura Y.; The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kennkyu) 2008
Early Pleistocene insectivores and lagomorphs from the Xiaochangliang site in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei, Northern China. Zhang Y Q, Kawamura Y.; The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kennkyu) 2008
A new Early Eocene arctostylopid (Arctostylopida, Mammalia) from the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), China. Wang Yuanqing, Meng Jin, Ni Xijun, K. Christopher Beard. ; Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2008
再论南京直立人高鼻梁的成因 吴新智; 人类学学报 2008
南京1号与东非Bodo人类头骨化石: 对“中心和边缘”假说的检验 张银运 刘武; 人类学学报 2008