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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
New materials of Hippopotamodon (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from southern China 董为, 张立民; 古脊椎动物学报 2014
New materials of the Late Miocene Muntiacus from Zhaotong hominoid site in southern China 董为, 吉学平, Nina G. JABLONSKI, Denise F. SU, 李文奇; 古脊椎动物学报 2014
New Oligocene cyprinid in the central Tibetan Plateau documents the pre-uplift tropical lowlands N Wang, FX Wu; Ichthyological Research 2014
New remains of Rhinoceros ( Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla, Mammalia) associated with Gigantopithecus blacki from the Early Pleistocene Yanliang Cave, Fusui, South China Yan Yaling, Wang Yuan,Jin Changzhu,Jim I.mead; Quaternary International 2014
New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China. Wang Y, Jin C Z, Mead J I.; Quaternary International 2014
New specimens of Yanornis indicate a piscivorous diet and modern alimentary canal Zheng X-T, O’Connor JK, Huchzermeyer F, Wang X-L, Wang Y, Zhang X-M, Zhou Z-H; PlosOne 2014
New?dating?of?the?Homo?erectus??cranium?from?Lantain?(Gongwangling),?China. Zhao-Yu Zhu,Robin Dennell,Wei-Wen Huang,Yi Wu,Zhi-Guo Rao,Shi-Fan Qiu,Jiu-Bing Xie,Wu Liu, Shu-Qing Fu,Jiang-Wei Han,Hou-Yun Zhou,Ting-Ping Ou Yang,Hua-Mei Li; Journal of Human Evolution 2014
Newly discovered Palaeolithic artefacts from loess deposits and their ages in Lantian, central China Wang Shejiang, Lu Huayu, Zhang Hongyan, Sun Xuefeng, Yi Shuangwen, Chen Yingyong, Zhan Gaike, Xing Luda, Sun Weigang; Chinese Science Bulletin 2014
Oldest Directly Dated Remains of Sheep John Dodson, Eoin Dodson, Richard Banati, Xiaoqiang Li, Pia Atahan, Songmei Hu,Ryan J. Middleton1, Xinying Zhou2 & Sun Nan; Scientific Report 2014
On the absence of sternal elements in Anchiornis (Paraves) and Sapeornis (Aves) and the complex early evolution of the avian sternum Zheng, X., J. O’Connor, X. Wang, Wang Min, X. Zhang, and Z. Zhou; PNAS 2014
On the possible use of fire by Homo erectus at Zhoukoudian,China Maohua Zhong, Congling Shi, Xing Gao, Xinzhi Wu, Fuyou Chen, Shuangquan Zhang, Xingkai; Chinese Science Bulletin 2014
Osteology of the basal hadrosauroid Equijubus normani (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) from the Early Cretaceous of China McDonald A T, Maidment S C R, Barrett P, You H-L, Dodson P; In: D A Eberth, D C Evans eds. Hadrosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis 2014
Ovarian follicles shed new light on dinosaur reproduction during the transition towards birds O'Connor, J.K., Zheng, X.-T., Wang, X.L., Wang, Y., and Zhou, Z.-H; National Science Review. 2014
Paleobiological implications of new material of Platybelodon danovi from the Dingjiaergou Fauna,western China ShiQi Wang, Jie Ye; Historical Biology 2014
Patterns of coding variation in the complete exomes of three Neandertals. Castellano S, Parra G, Sánchez-Quinto FA, Racimo F, Kuhlwilm M, Kircher M, Sawyer S, Fu Qiaomei, Heinze A, Nickel B, Dabney J, Siebauer M, White L, Burbano HA, Renaud G, Stenzel U, Lalueza-Fox C, de la Rasilla M, Rosas A, Rudan P, Brajkovi? D, Kucan ?, Gu?ic I, Shunkov MV, Derevianko AP, Viola B, Meyer M, Kelso J, Andrés AM, P??bo S.; PNAS 2014