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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A juvenile specimen of a new coelurosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Middle–Late Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, People's Republic of China Choiniere, J.N., Clark, J.M., Forster, C.A., Norell, M.A., Eberth, D.A., Erickson, G.M., Chu, H., and Xu, X. 2014; Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 2014
A lithornithid (Aves: Palaeognathae) from the Paleocene (Tiffanian NALMA) of southern California Stidham, T.A., Lofgren, D., Farke, A.A., Paik, M., and Choi, R.; PaleoBios 2014
A mitochondrial genome sequence of a hominin from Sima de los Huesos Meyer M, Fu Qiaomei, Aximu-Petri A, Glocke I, Nickel B, Arsuaga JL, Martínez I, Gracia A, de Castro JM, Carbonell E, P??bo S; Nature 2014
A new basal ankylosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotan Formation of Liaoning Province, China Han, F., Zheng, W.J., Hu, D.Y., Xu, X., and Barrett, P.M.; PLoS One 2014
A new basal hadrosauroid dinosaur (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) with transitional features from the Late Cretaceous of Henan Province, China. Xing, H., Wang, D., Han, F., Sullivan, C., Ma, Q., He, Y., Hone, D. W. E., Yan, R., Du, F. and Xu, X.; PLoS One 2014
A new boreopterid pterosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of western Liaoning Province, China, with a reassessment of the phylogenetic relationships of the Boreopteridae. Jiang SX, Wang XL, Meng X and Cheng X; Journal of Paleontology 2014
A new diverse enantiornithine family (Bohaiornithidae fam. nov.) from the Lower Cretaceous of China with information from two new species Wang Min, Zhou Zhonghe, O’Connor, J. K., and Zelenkov, N; 古脊椎动物学报(英文) 2014
A new ichthyodectiform (Pisces, Teleostei) from the Lower Cretaceous of South Korea and its paleobiogeo -graphic implication Kim H-M, Chang MM, Wu FX, Kim YH; Cretaceous Research 2014
A new method of tooth mesowear and a test of it on domestic goats Solounias N, Tariq M, Hou S K, Danowitz M, Harrison M; Annales Zoologici Fennici 2014
A new petalichthyid placoderm from the Early Devonian of Yunan, China 潘照晖、朱敏、朱幼安、贾连涛; Comptes rendus Palevol 2015
A new record of the saber-toothed cat?Megantereon?(Felidae, Machairodontinae) from an Early Pleistocene?Gigantopithecusfauna, Yanliang Cave, Fusui, Guangxi, South China Min Zhu, Blaine W. Schubert, Jinyi Liu, Steven C. Wallace; Quaternary International 2014
A new robust enantiornithine bird from the Lower Cretaceous of China with scansorial adaptations Wang Min, O’Connor, J. K., Zhou Zhonghe; Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2014
A new species of Chleuastochoerus (Artiodactyla: Suidae) from the Linxia Basin, Gansu Province, China Hou S K, Deng T; Zootaxa 2014
A new species of crown-antlered deer Stephanocemas (Cervidae, Artiodactyla) from the Middle Miocene of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China. Deng, T., X.-K. Lu, Q.-Q. Shi, B.-Y. Sun, and S.-Q. Wang; Vertebrata PalAsiatica 2014
A new species of Eostyloceros (Cervidae, Artiodactyla) from the Late Miocene of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China Deng T, Wang S Q, Shi Q Q, Li Y K, Li Y; Zootaxa 2014