1984~1988年就读于南京大学地球科学系地层与古生物专业,并获学士学位。2003年获得中国科学院大学理学博士学位(古脊椎动物与古人类研究所在职硕博连读)。 现任中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员;中国第四纪科学研究会生物演化与环境专业委员会委员;曾兼任古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本馆馆长(2008.7~2018.11)。长期从事第四纪哺乳动物和动物群、古生态环境及生物地层学等的相关研究,主要侧重于食肉目(Carnivora)的系统分类和演化、形态及其功能分析等方面的研究。作为高级访问学者,曾受邀赴捷克National Museum、奥地利Naturhistorische Museum Wien、德国Georg-August-University of G?ttingen、法国Musée des Confluences、意大利Università degli Studi di Firenze和瑞典Uppsala universitet等单位做交流活动;多次与Academy Sciences of Czech(捷克)、Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona(西班牙)、Vanderbilt University和American Museum of Natural History(美国)、University of Bristol(英国)和Weizmann Institute of Science(以色列)等机构的同行开展国际合作;先后实地考察过Rancho La Brea(美国)、Nojiriko(日本)、Drumheller(加拿大)、Suyanggae(韩国)、Srbsko Chlum Komín和Koněprusy(捷克)等诸多著名化石地点或遗址。历年来参加了科技部《早期人类起源及其环境背景研究》(国家“九五”攀登专项)和《古生物志书编研及门类系统总结》(科技基础性工作专项),以及中国科学院 《长江流域及华南地区古人类起源与演化》(院重点项目)和《关键地史时期生物与环境演变过程及其机制》(院战略性B类先导专项)等多项特大课题,并多次主持国家自然科学基金委员会和中国科学院等部委的重要项目。数次在《Science》、《PNAS》和《Journal of Human Evolution》等国际著名学术期刊上发表研究成果,迄今为止,累计发表各类学术性论文近80篇。经常性受邀担任《古脊椎动物学报》、《第四纪研究》、《人类学学报》、《Scientific Report》、《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》、《Quaternary Science Review》、《Quaternary International》、《Historic Biology》和《Palaeoworld》等众多国、内外核心期刊的论文同行评阅工作。
2008.7~2018.11,古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本馆, 馆长(兼任)
2018-2022:国家自然科学基金项目“辽宁大连骆驼山金远洞:哺乳动物群及生物地层学的系统研究”(批准号: 41772018)
2012-: 中捷科学院院级交流项目“欧亚更新世食肉类的演化与洲际对比”(批准号: CAS-17-06),中方负责人
2010-2012:国家自然科学基金项目“我国更新世斑鬣狗的骨骼形态与系统分类、演化研究” (批准号: 40972013)
2008-2018:中国科学院 “战略生物资源技术支撑体系”专项,古脊椎所子项目负责人
2018-:中国科学院战略性B类先导专项“关键地史时期生物与环境演变过程及其机制” (批准号:XDB26000000)
2013-:科技部科技基础性工作专项“古生物志书编研及门类系统总结” (批准号:2013FY13000)
2013-2016年:中国科学院重点部署项目“东方人类探源—泥河湾专题研究” (批准号:KZZD-EW-15 )
Jinyi Liu*, Jinyuan Liu, Hanwen Zhang, Jan Wagner, Qigao Jiangzuo, Yayun Song, Sizhao Liu, Yuan Wang, Changzhu Jin, 2021. The giant short-faced hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Mammalia, Carnivora, Hyaenidae) from Northeast Asia: A reinterpretation of subspecies differentiation and intercontinental dispersal. Quaternary International, 577: 29~51. *通讯作者https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.12.031
Qigao Jiangzuo, Dmitriy Gimranov, Jinyuan Liu, Sizhao Liu, Changzhu Jin, Jinyi Liu*, 2021. A new fossil marten from Jinyuan Cave, northeastern China reveals the origin of the Holarctic marten group. Quaternary International, 591: 47~58 *通讯作者https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.10.064
Huiyun Rao*, Yimin Yang, Jinyi Liu*, Michael V. Westbury, Chi Zhang, Qingfeng Shao, 2020. Palaeoproteomic analysis of Pleistocene cave hyenas from east Asia. Scientific Report, *通讯作者 https://doi.org/10.1038/S41598-020-73542-X
Qigao Jiangzuo*, Jinyi Liu*, Jin Chen, 2019. Morphological homology, evolution, and proposed nomenclature for bear dentition. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, *通讯作者https://doi.org/10.4202/app.00629.2019
Qigao Jiangzuo, Jinyuan Liu, Changzhu Jin, Yayun Song, Sizhao Liu, Sheng Lü, Yuan Wang, Jinyi Liu*, 2019. Discovery of Enhydrictis (Mustelidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) cranium in Puwan, Dalian, Northeast China demonstrates repeated intracontinental migration during the Pleistocene. Quaternary International, 513:18~29 *通讯作者https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.01.024
Qigao Jiangzuo, Jinyi Liu*, Jan Wagner, Wei Dong, Jin Chen, 2018,Taxonomical revision of fossil Canis in Middle Pleistocene sites of Zhoukoudian, Beijing, China and a review of fossil records of Canis mosbachensis variabilis in China. Quaternary International, 482: 93~108, *通讯作者 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.04.003
Qigao Jiangzuo, Jan Wagner, Jin Chen, Cuiping Dong, Jianhua Wei, Juan Ning, Jinyi Liu*, 2018, Presence of the Middle Pleistocene cave bears in China confirmed–Evidence from Zhoukoudian area. Quaternary Science Reviews 199: 1~7, *通讯作者 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.09.012
Qigao Jiangzuo, Jinyi Liu*, Jan Wagner, Jin Chen, 2018, Taxonomical revision of “Arctonyx” fossil remains from the Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave (South China) by means of morphotype andmorphometrics, and a review of Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Meles fossil records in China. Palaeoworld 27: 282~300. *通讯作者https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2017.12.001
江左其杲, 刘金毅*, 王元, 金昌柱, 刘思昭, 刘金远, 陈津, 2017,大连骆驼山金远洞埃楚斯堪熊(Ursus etruscus)新材料及中国Ursus cf. etruscus材料的简要回顾. 第四纪研究, 37 (4): 828~837, *通讯作者https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.04.16
刘金毅*, Jan wagner, 陈平富等,2015,河北秦皇岛斑鬣狗巢穴(灵仙洞)及斑鬣狗的集群死亡与埋藏。第四纪研究,35(3):607~621. *通讯作者 http://dx.doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.03.12
江左其杲,丛浩亮,马睿,刘金毅*,2014. 中国南方中-晚更新世的马来熊化石.见董为主编:第十四届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集. 北京:海洋出版社,119~134. *通讯作者
刘金毅*,赵凌霞,陈津等,2011,贵州毕节扒耳岩巨猿动物群的年代与环境——来自食肉类化石的分析与研究。第四纪研究,31(4):654~666, *通讯作者
刘金毅,邱占祥,2009,哺乳动物化石之食肉目. 见金昌柱,刘金毅编:安徽繁昌人字洞-早期人类活动遗址。北京,科学出版社,220~283
刘金毅,房迎三,张镇洪,2007,动物群分类记述之食肉目. 见南京博物院和江苏省考古研究所编:南京驼子洞早更新世哺乳动物群. 北京,科学出版社,25~68
刘金毅*,郑龙亭和徐钦琦等,2006,芜湖金盆洞旧石器遗址的食肉类. 人类学学报,25(3):227~241 *通讯作者
刘金毅,2005,安徽繁昌人字洞的巨颏虎(Megantereon)化石. 古脊椎动物学报,43(2):122~134
刘金毅,2004,猫科剑齿虎化石研究的现状与回顾. 第九届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集,北京,海洋出版社,55~68
刘金毅,2004,安徽繁昌人字洞食肉类化石的组成及地质年代浅析. 第九届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集,北京,海洋出版社,83~92
刘金毅,2003,安徽繁昌人字洞的剑齿虎及其它食肉类化石的系统研究. 中国科学院研究生院博士学位论文. 1~257
刘金毅,2002,哺乳动物之食肉目. 见吴汝康、李星学和吴新智等主编:南京直立人,南京,江苏科学技术出版社,102~111
刘金毅,2001,中国鬣狗(Pachycrocuta sinensis)的研究综述——与现生两属Hyaena和Crocuta的系统发育关系浅析. 第八届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集,北京:海洋出版社,149~157
刘金毅,1999,记北京妙峰山晚更新世哺乳动物化石兼论最后斑鬣狗的迁移与绝灭. 龙骨坡史前文化志,1,128~140
刘金毅,1993,中国甘肃灵台上新世雷家河组的发掘-肉食类化石观察的初步报告. Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse, 1: 41
刘金毅,张翼,李占扬,1992,河南确山后山裂隙堆积含有大量的上新世—早更新世哺乳动物化石. 中国岩溶,11(1):91~93
Changzhu Jin, Yuan Wang, Jinyuan Liu, Junyi Ge, Bo Zhao, Jinyi Liu, Hanwen Zhang, Qingfeng Shao, Chunling Gao, Keliang Zhao, Boyang Sun, Chao Qin, Yayun Song, Qigao Jiangzuo, 2021. Late Cenozoic mammalian faunal evolution at the Jinyuan Cave site of Luotuo Hill, Dalian, Northeast China. Quaternary International, 577: 15~28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.01.011
Min Zhu, Qigao Jiangzuo, Dagong Qin, Changzhu Jin, Chengkai Sun, Yuan Wang, Yaling Yan, Jinyi Liu, 2020. First discovery of Megantereon skull from southern China. Historic Biology. https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2020.1867981
Qigao Jiangzuo, Jinyi Liu, 2020. First record of the Eurasian jaguar in southern Asia and a review of dental differences between pantherine cats. Journal of Quaternary Science, 35(6): 817~830 https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3222
Terry Harrison, Yingqi Zhang, Guangbiao Wei, Chengkai Sun, Yuan Wang, Jinyi Liu, Haowen Tong, Baiting Huang, Fan Xu, 2020. A new genus of pliopithecoid from the late Early Miocene of China and its implications for understanding the paleozoogeography of the Pliopithecoidea. Journal of Human Evolution https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2020.102838
董 为,王 元,白炜鹏,张颖奇,刘金毅,金昌柱, 2020. 广西崇左缺缺洞早更新世晚期堆积中与巨猿伴生的偶蹄类. 人类学学报,39(2):306~318 https://doi.org/10.16359/j.cnki.cn11-1963/q.2020.0007
陈 津, 江左其杲, 刘金毅, 司红伟, 2018, 周口店的未研究熊类标本整理报告及地点号的初步探讨. 第十六届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集, 北京:海洋出版社, 99~108
Jan Wagner, Qigao Jiangzuo, Jadranka Mauch Lenardi, Jinyi Liu, 2017, Taxonomic revision of bears from the Locality Sandalja I (Croatia)and its biostratigraphic consequences. Fossil Imprint,73 (3–4 ): 533~544 https://doi.org/10.1515/if-2017-0028
Larisa R. G. DeSantis, Zhijie Jack Tseng, Jinyi Liu, Aaron Hurst, Blaine W. Schubert, Qigao Jiangzuo, 2017, Assessing niche conservatism using a multiproxy approach: dietary ecology of extinct and extant spotted hyenas. Paleobiology, 43(2): 286~303 https://doi.org/10.1017/pab.2016.45
Yuan Wang, Changzhu Jin, Wenshi Pan, Dagong Qin, Yaling Yan, Yingqi Zhang, Jinyi Liu, Wei Dong, Chenglong Deng, 2017, The Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus-Sinomastodon fauna from Juyuan karst cave in Boyue Mountain, Guangxi, South China. Quaternary International 434: 4~16 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.071
刘思昭, 王元, 董为, 刘金远, 刘毅弘, 高春玲, 刘金毅, 金昌柱, 赵博, 2017,大连复州湾骆驼山金远洞2016年发掘简报. 第四纪研究, 37(4): 908~915 https://doi.org/ 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.04.25
Victor Vinuesa, Dawid A. Iurino, Joan Madurell-Malapeira, Jinyi Liu, Josep Fortuny, Raffaele Sardell, David M. Alba, 2016, Inferences of social behavior in bone-cracking hyaenids (Carnivora, Hyaenidae) based on digital paleoneurological techniques: Implications for humane carnivoran interactions in the Pleistocene. Quaternary International 413:7~14 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.10.037
刘文晖, 董为, 刘金毅, 房迎三, 张立民, 2015, 南京汤山驼子洞早更新世哺乳动物群的新材料及其古环境探讨. 第四纪研究, 35(3): 596~606 http://dx.doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.03.11
Gui-Lian Sheng, Julien Soubrier, Jin-Yi Liu, et al., 2014. Pleistocene Chinese Cave Hyenas and the Recent Eurasian History of the Spotted Hyena. Molecular Ecology, 23(3): 522~533 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.12576
Dong Wei, Liu Jinyi, Li-min Zhang, Qin-qi Xu. 2014. The Early Pleistocene water buffalo associated with Gigantopithecus from Chongzuo in southern China. Quaternary International, 354: 86~93 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2013.12.054
Min Zhu, Blaine W. Schubert, Jinyi Liu, Steven C. Wallace, 2014, A new record of the saber-toothed cat Megantereon (Felidae, Machairodontinae) from an Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus fauna, Yanliang Cave, Fusui, Guangxi, South China. Quaternary International 354: 100~109 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.06.052
张伟,刘金毅,2014. 三维扫描技术在化石标本修复中的应用. 第十四届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集. 北京:海洋出版社,357~366
Dong Wei, Liu Jinyi, Fang Yingsan. 2013. The large mammals from Tuozidong (eastern China) and the Early Pleistocene environmental availability for early human settlements. Quaternary International, 295: 73~82 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.01.014
Tong HW, Hu N, Liu JY et al, 2011. Inter-Regional Comparisons on the Quaternary Large Mammalian Faunas between China and Sub-Saharan Africa. Acta Geological Sinica, 85(1):91~106
Jin CZ, Qin DG, Pan WS, Tang ZL, Liu JY and Wang Y et al., 2009, A newly discovered Gigantopithecus fauna from Sanhe Cave, Chongzuo, Guangxi, South Chian. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(5): 788~797
Jin CZ, Pan WS, Zhang YQ, Cai YJ, Xu QQ, Tang ZL, Wang W, Wang Y. Liu JY and Qin D G et al., 2009. The Homo sapiens Cave hominin site of Mulan Mountain, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo, Guangxi with emphasis on its age. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54: 3848~3856.
Jin CZ, Ciochon RL, Dong W, Hunt RM, Liu JY et al., 2007. The first skull of the earliest giant panda. PNAS, 104(26):10932~10937
Dong W, Hou XW, Liu JY, et al., 2007. 3D virtual reconstruction of the Pleistocene cheetah skull from the Tangshan,Nanjing, China. Progress in Natural Science, 17(1): 74~79
Boaz NT, Ciochon RL, Xu QQ, Liu JY. 2004, Mapping and taphonomic analysis of the Homo erectus loci at Locality 1 Zhoukoudian, China. Journal of Human Evolution, 46:519~549
Jin CZ, Zheng LT, Dong W, Liu JY, et. al., 2003, The Early Pleistocene Deposits and Mammalian Fauna from Renzidong, Fanchang, Anhui Province, China. In Yung-jo Lee eds, Palaeolithic Mans Lives and Their Sites, 129~148
Tong HW,Liu JY and Hang LG,2002,On fossil remains of Early Pleistocene tapir from Fanchang,Anhui. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(7): 586~590
Goldberg P, Weiner S, Bar-Yosef O, Xu QQ and Liu JY, 2001, Site Formation Processes at Zhoukoudian, China. Jounal of Human Evolution, 41, 483~530
Weiner S, Coldberg P, Bar-Yosef O, Xu QQ and Liu JY, 2000, Evidence for the Use of Fire at Zhoukoudian. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, Sup. 19, 218~223
Boaz NT, Ciochon RL, Xu QQ and Liu JY, 2000, Large Mammalian Carnivores as a Taphonomic Factor in the Bone Accumulation at Zhoukoudian. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, Sup. 19, 224~234
Jin CZ,Dong W,Liu JY,et al.,2000,A Preliminary Study on the Early Pleistocene Deposits and Mammalian Fauna from Fanchang,Anhui Province,China. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, Sup. 19, 235~245
Dong W,Jin CZ,Xu QQ,Liu JY et al.,2000,A Comparative Review on the Mammalian Faunas Associated with Homo erectus in China. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, Sup. 19, 246~256
Dong W, Xu QQ, Jin CZ and Liu JY, 1999, The Quaternary herbivore faunas in North-east China, evolution under climate change. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (Sup.1): 129~132
Weiner S, Xu QQ, Goldberg P, Liu JY, Bar-Yosef O, 1998, Evidence for the Use of Fire at Zhoukoudian, China. Science, 281, 251~253
Huang WP, Zheng SH, Zong GF, Liu JY, 1993. Pliocene mammals from the Leijiahe Formation of Lingtai, Gansu, China – Preliminary report on field work in 1972 and 1992. Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse, 1: 29~37
Nakaya H, Huang WP, Nasu T, Muto T, Saegusa H, Watabe M, Zong GF, Zheng SH and Liu JY, 1993. Excavation of the Pliocene Leijiahe Formation of Lingtai County, Gansu Province,China – Field Report of Evolutionary History of Mammalian Fauna and Paleonvironments – Late Cenozoic Eurasia and North America. Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse, 1: 38~40
金昌柱,潘文石,张颖奇,蔡演军,徐钦琦,唐治路,王为,王元,刘金毅和秦大公等,2009,广西崇左江州木榄山智人洞古人类遗址及其地质时代. 科学通报,54(19):2848~2856
盛桂莲,袁俊霞,伊剑,金昌柱,刘金毅等,2009,河北秦皇岛灵仙洞斑鬣狗化石的古DNA初步分析. 地球科学,34(6):877~883
徐钦琦, 金昌柱, 郑龙亭, 刘武, 董为, 刘金毅, 孙承凯, 吕锦燕, 2009, 关于金盆洞遗址的古地理古气候古生态问题. 人类学学报, 28(1): 26-31
曾志杰,金昌柱,刘金毅等,2008,安徽淮南晚新生代鬣狗类化石. 古脊椎动物学报,46(2):133~146
邱占祥,史勤勤,刘金毅,2008,Machairodus horribilis Schlosser, 1903头骨材料记述.古脊椎动物学报,46(4):265~283
董为,侯新文,房迎三,刘金毅等,2006,南京汤山早更新世猎豹头骨CT扫描数据的三维重建. 自然科学进展,16(9):1146~1152
同号文,尚红,张双全,刘金毅等,2006,周口店田园洞古人类化石点地层学研究及与山顶洞的对比. 人类学学报,25(1):75~88
董为,刘金毅,房迎三,2006,化石脑内膜的虚拟3D重建与比较解剖. 第十届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集,北京,海洋出版社, 77~84
金昌柱,董为,高星,刘武,刘金毅等,2004,安徽芜湖金盆洞旧石器地点2002年发掘报告. 人类学学报,23(4):281~291
同号文,刘金毅,张双全,2004,周口店田园洞大中型哺乳动物记述. 人类学学报,23(3):213~223
同号文,刘金毅,2004,更新世末期哺乳动物群中绝灭种的有关问题. 第九届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集,北京,海洋出版社, 111~120
董为,刘金毅,M Jaeger等,2004,化石头骨虚拟3D图象的复原与矫正. 第九届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集,北京,海洋出版社, 175~182
徐钦琦,董为,刘金毅,1999,北京猿人的环境与文化. 第四纪研究,2,165~169
金昌柱,徐钦琦,董为, 刘金毅等,1999,安徽繁昌人字洞旧石器遗址. 见徐钦琦等编:史前考古学新进展——庆祝贾兰坡院士九十华诞国际学术讨论会文集. 北京,科学出版社,131-135
徐钦琦,金昌柱,同号文,董为, 刘金毅等,1997,北京人时代的三次冰川旋回. 见童永生等编:演化的实证――纪念杨钟键教授百年诞辰论文集. 北京,海洋出版社,209~226