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咖啡沙龙第一百二十期——Maximum Likelihood Most Likely Good -- Inferring Phylogenies Under the Maximum Likelihood Optimality Criterion

发表日期:2015-12-21来源:放大 缩小

嘉宾(Guest):    倪喜军 研究员    

讨论主题(Topic): Maximum Likelihood Most Likely Good -- Inferring Phylogenies Under the Maximum

                    Likelihood Optimality Criterion 

时间(Time):     2015.12.23 下午3:304:30 

                2015.12.23  3:304:30 PM 

地点(Location  南楼321 

                Room No. 321, South building 



                                         Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of

                                           Chinese Academy of Sciences & Student union 

