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石器时代学术沙龙之三十七——New research on the Lower and Middle Pleistocene Acheulean of East Africa

发表日期:2017-04-18来源:放大 缩小


报告题目(TopicNew research on the Lower and Middle Pleistocene Acheulean of East Africa

报告人(GuestIgnacio de la Torre

时间(Time2017-4-20(本周四)上午9点(9:00 am 


报告介绍(Introduction):This talk will present results of fieldwork in Lower and Middle Pleistocene sequences of Tanzania and Ethiopia, which cover the emergence and disappearance of the Acheulean in East Africa. 

报告人介绍(Biography):Ignacio de la Torre is Professor of Palaeolithic Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. He is specialized in the archaeology of human evolution, with an emphasis on lithic technology, site formation processes, and the application of new techniques to archaeological excavation. He has directed field projects in Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites of Spain, Ethiopia and Tanzania, and is currently co-director of a paleoanthropological project at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.


