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咖啡沙龙第一百七十六期——What can we learn from ancient hominin DNA, and how best to retrieve it?(探密古人类DNA及最佳获取方式)

发表日期:2017-08-28来源:放大 缩小

  嘉宾(GuestDr. Viviane Slon 

  讨论主题(TopicWhat can we learn from ancient hominin DNA, and how best to retrieve it?


  时间(Time201794日(星期一) 下午230400 

                2017.9.4 Monday  2:30—4:00 PM 


                     Room No. 602, North building 


  The recovery of DNA from ancient hominins have shed substantial light on recent human evolution. DNA retrieved from fossils can be used to determine the sex of an individual and its group of origin. For example, the genome of a phalanx from Denisova Cave (Russia) indicated that the individual belonged to a previously unknown hominin group, the “Denisovans”, who inhabited Asia while Neandertals inhabited Europe. As hominin fossils are rare in Pleistocene contexts, I will present two approaches to circumvent the scarcity of remains available for genetic studies. The first consists of retrieving DNA from undiagnostic bone fragments. This allows the determination of their species of origin, potentially leading to the discovery of new hominin remains. The second uses the fact that DNA can efficiently bind to sediments. The targeted retrieval of hominin DNA from ancient sediments enables to infer the past presence of hominins at archaeological sites, even in the absence of their skeletal remains. 

   Guest Profile: A Postdoc in Svante P??bo lab at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany. Her work focuses on retrieving ancient hominin DNA not only from their fossil remains, but also from alternative sources. 

    嘉宾简介:Viviane Slon为德国马普研究所博士后,师从斯万特帕博(Svante P??bo)。主要研究方向为古人类DNA获得方法;除从人类化石中获得DNA外,还包括从其它与古人类相关的遗存中获取古人类DNA 




                                            Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins 

                                           of Chinese Academy of Sciences & Student union 

