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咖啡沙龙第二百零一期——Early Agriculture in Central Asia: A New Summary

发表日期:2018-06-11来源:放大 缩小

嘉宾(Guest):Prof. Alison Betts   

              Department of Archaeology, The University of Sydney 

讨论主题(Topic):Early Agriculture in Central Asia: A New Summary  

时间(Time):  2018.6.14(周四)上午9:0011:00    

          2018.6.14 Thursday 9:0011:00 AM 


  Introduction of Prof. Alison Betts: She is the head of Department of Archaeology and member of China Studies Center, The University of Sydney. Her key interests lie in the study of Bronze Age of Central Asia and western China, cultural transmissions from Eurasia into China, early development of the Zoroastrian faith, origins of nomadic pastoralism in the Near East and prehistory of the North Arabian steppe etc. She also specializes in the archaeology of the lands along the Silk Roads from the Near East to China. Recently, she works extensively in eastern Jordan, Kashmir and Central Asia, and runs major field projects in Uzbekistan and Xinjiang. 




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