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咖啡沙龙第二百零二期——1. The Biomechanics and Evolutionary Origins of Flight in Animals 2. Hummingbirds: The Ultimate Microair Vehicle

发表日期:2018-06-15来源:放大 缩小

嘉宾(Guest):Professor Robert Dudley 

           Chair Department of Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley 

           Research Morphologist, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC-Berkeley 

           Curator, Essig Museum of Entomology, UC-Berkeley  

主题1 (Topic 1):The Biomechanics and Evolutionary Origins of Flight in Animals 

时间(Time):2018.6.22(周五)上午9:00—11:00  (2018.6.22 Friday 9:00—11:00 AM) 

地点(Location):南楼321会议室 (Room No.321 South Building) 

  Abstract:What is the use of half a wing?  More generally, how do novel structures and behaviors evolve? Controlled aerial behaviors in ant workers and other insects of the tropical rain forest canopy demonstrate directed gliding in the complete absence of wings. Importantly, tree-dwelling bristletails (the sister group to the winged insects) also exhibit aerial righting responses and directed gliding while falling.  Ontogenetic, paleontological, and phylogenetic analyses suggest that controlled aerial behaviors preceded the origin of wings in vertebrates as well, indicating functional aerodynamics for only partially feathered structures and for rudimentary flapping kinematics.  Use of a robotic Archaeopteryxsimilarly demonstrates biomechanical functionality of the intermediate winged condition, consistent with arboreal and gravitationally assisted origins of flight in all volant taxa.     

主题2 (Topic 2): Hummingbirds: The Ultimate Microair Vehicle 

时间(Time):2018.6.22(周五) 下午2:00—4:00(2018.6.22 Friday 2:00—4:00 PM) 

地点(Location):南楼321会议室 (Room No.321 South Building) 

  Abstract:Flying animals display remarkable features of aerial maneuverability that to date have no technological parallel.   Stability in flight requires force and moment balances that are attained via bilateral symmetry in wingbeat kinematics, whereas body roll and yaw derive from bilaterally asymmetric movements of both axial and appendicular structures.  In many flying vertebrates, use of the tail also facilitates the generation of aerodynamic torques to enhance agility in rotation.  Using a phylogenetically based example of the hummingbirds as a model test platform, I will introduce major kinematic, biomechanical, and ecological features of animal flight performance, outline a variety of experimental perturbations to elicit extreme examples of flight control (e.g., flight through apertures, in heavy rain, in high turbulence, and at high elevations), and will broadly delineate experimental opportunities for evaluating the low-Reynolds number, unsteady aerodynamics that form the basis of aerial maneuverability in this taxon. 




                                         Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins

                                                 Chinese Academy of Sciences & Student union 

