- 2018-12-14 石器时代学术沙龙之四十三——An Agenda for East Asian Early Paleolithic Archaeology
- 2018-12-10 2018年12月学生开题中期报告通知
- 2018-11-27 咖啡沙龙第二百零八期——Bayesian tip dating reveals heterogeneous morphological clocks in Mesozoic birds
- 2018-11-13 论文答辩通知(沈慧)
- 2018-11-12 论文答辩通知(郑文杰)
- 2018-10-29 咖啡沙龙第二百零七期——Inside hominids fossil remains: Deciphering geochemical signals of the past
- 2018-08-24 论文答辩通知(杨嘉声)
- 2018-08-22 石器时代学术沙龙之四十二——The Archaeology of Human Origins in East Africa: Current Research at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and the Behavior of Early Homo
- 2018-08-15 咖啡沙龙第二百零六期——Elephas recki: the wastebasket?
- 2018-07-26 博士后进站报告(曹文心)
- 2018-07-05 咖啡沙龙第二百零五期——Histochemical staining of biomineralized and soft-tissues in fossil dinosaurs and birds: new avenues for 21st century palaeohistology
- 2018-06-29 咖啡沙龙第二百零四期——Australian Early Vertebrates and Strata
- 2018-06-26 咖啡沙龙第二百零三期——Element of English Application: How to write a competitive proposal
- 2018-06-21 博士后出站报告(白云俊)
- 2018-06-15 咖啡沙龙第二百零二期——1. The Biomechanics and Evolutionary Origins of Flight in Animals 2. Hummingbirds: The Ultimate Microair Vehicle