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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
浙江安吉志留纪真盔甲鱼类一新属 盖志琨,朱敏; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-7-1
甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世大唇犀化石的年龄结构与生活环境 梁忠,邓涛; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-7-1
记陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组4种跳鼠(Dipodidae, Rodentia)化石 李强,郑绍华; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-10-1
Tooth wear differences between the Yuanmou hominoid and Lufengpithecus Liu Wu,Zheng Liang; International Journal of Primatology 2005-4-1
The comparisons of tooth size and morphology between the late Miocene hominoids from Lufeng and Yuanmou, China, and the implications Liu Wu,Zheng Liang; Anthropological Science 2005-4-1
A middle Pleistocene human cranium from Tangshan, Nanjing of southeast China: A comparisons with Homo erectus from Eurasia and Africa based on new reconstruction Liu Wu,Zhang Yinyun,Wu Xinzhi; American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Dental development and ontogeny of late Miocene large-bodied hominoids from Yunnan, China Zhao Lingixa,He Zhufang; Anthropological Science 2005-4-1
新疆与内蒙古地区青铜-铁器时代居民牙齿磨耗及健康状况的分析 刘武,张全超,吴秀杰,朱泓; 人类学学报 2005-2-1
中国直立人形态特征的变异 – 颅骨测量数据的分析 刘武,张银运; 人类学学报 2005-5-1
南京直立人与印尼、周口店直立人的面颅形态比较 张银运,刘武; 人类学学报 2005-8-1
与现代中国人起源问题有联系的分子生物学成果的讨论 吴新智; 人类学学报 2005-8-1
Paleoanthropological and molecular studies on the origin of modern humans Wu Xinzhi; Transaction of the Royal Society of South Africa
Glires (mammalia) from the late Paleocene Bayan Ulan Locality of Inner Mongolia Meng Jin, A. R. Wyss, Hu Yaoming, Wang Yuanqing, G. J. Bowen, P. L. Koch. ; American Museum Novitates 2005-5-11
Age and correlation of fossiliferous Late Paleocene-Early Eocene strata of the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China G. J. Bowen, P. L. Koch, Meng Jin, Ye Jie, Ting Suyin; American Museum Novitates 2005-5-11
A new spalacotheriid symmetrodont from the Early Cretaceous of northeastern China Hu Yaoming, R. C. Fox, Wang Yuanqing, Li Chuankui; American Museum Novitates 2005-5-11