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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Cranial anatomy and relationships of a new ctenodactyloid (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Early Eocene of Hubei Province, China J. R. Wible, Wang Yuanqing, Li Chuankui, M. R. Dawson; Annals of Carnegie Museum 2005-6-30
Hanomys malcolmi, a new simplicidentate mammal from the Paleocene of central China: its relationships and stratigraphic implications Huang Xueshi, Li Chuankui, M. R. Dawson, Liu Liping; Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 2004年
The type specimen of Ernanodon antelios Ting Suyin, Wang Banyue, Tong Yongsheng; Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2005-9-1
Large Mesozoic mammals fed on young dinosaurs Hu Yaoming, Meng Jin, Wang Yuanqing, Li Chuankui; Nature 2005-1-13
Stem Lagomorpha and the antiquity of Glires Asher, R. J., Meng Jin, M. C. McKenna, J. R. Wible, D. Dashzeveg, G. Rougier, M. J. Novacek; Science 2005-2-18
一中生代哺乳动物齿列的新奇特征 胡耀明、王元青、Richard C. Fox、李传夔; 科学通报 2005-3-1
古近系研究新进展 童永生、李茜、王元青; 地层学杂志 2005-4-1
新疆布尔津盆地晚始新世-早渐新世岩石及生物地层 叶捷、孟津、吴文裕、倪喜军; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-1-1
A new gobiconodont species (Mammalia) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China Meng Jin, Hu Yaoming, Wang Yuanqing, Li Chuankui ; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-1-1
准噶尔盆地北缘哈拉玛盖组中的Anchitherium 叶捷、吴文裕、孟津; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-4-1
江西池江盆地阶齿兽一新种 李茜; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-10-1
The first record of “eupantotherian” (Theria, Mammalia) from the late Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning, China 李传夔,濑户口烈司、王元青、胡耀明、常征路; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-10-1
Gobiolagus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from Ula Usa of Inner Mongolia and a review on Eocene Lagomorphs of Asia 8-1: 1-23 Meng Jin,Hu Yaoming, Li Chuankui; Paleontologia Electronica 2005-5-1
A clue to the Asian origin of euprimates Ni Xijun, Hu Yaoming, Wang Yuanqing, Li Chuankui; Anthropological Science 2005-4-1
河南卢氏盆地的中兽化石 金迅; 古脊椎动物学报 2005-1-1