1. Xu Xing. A New Psittacosaur (Psittacosaurus mazongshanensis sp. nov) from Mazongshan Area, Gansu Province, China. in Sino-Japanese Silk Road Dinosaur Expedition (ed.) Dong Zhiming. China Ocean Press. (1997). 48-67.
2. 白俊峰、徐星和彭光照 一门新的古生物学分支-恐龙骨组织学。地球科学进展,12(6)(1997):581-583。
4. Zhao XJ, Xu Xing. The oldest coelurosaurian. Nature, 394 (1998): 234-235. (Corresponding author)
5. 高克勤、程政武和徐星. 中国中生代有尾两栖类化石的首次报导。中国地质, 248 (1998):40-41.
6. 汪筱林,王元青,王原,徐星,唐治路,张福成,胡耀明,顾罡,郝兆林。辽西四合屯义县组下部地层层序与脊椎动物化石层位.古脊椎动物学报,36(2)(1998):81-101.
7. Xu Xing, Tang ZL, Wang XL. A therizinosaurid dinosaur with integumentary structures from China. Nature, 399 (1999):380-384.
8. Xu Xing, Wang XL, Wu XC. A dromaeosaurid dinosaur with a filamentous integument from the Yixian Formation of China. Nature. 401 (1999):262-265
9. 徐星和赵喜进。鹦鹉嘴龙化石研究及其地层学意义。见王元青和邓涛主编《第七届中国古脊椎动物学术年会论文集》。(1999) 75-81。海洋出版社.
10. 徐星. 鸟类飞行是如何起源的?——评《鸟类的兴起——两亿两千五百万年的进化》. 古脊椎动物学报, 37(4)( 1999): 330-333.
11. Swisher, CC, Wang, YQ. Wang XL, Xu Xing, Wang Y. Cretaceous age for the feathered dinosaurs of China. Nature, 400 (1999):58-61
12. 汪筱林,王元青,金帆,徐星,王原,张江永,张福成,唐治路,李淳,顾罡.辽宁北票四合屯脊椎动物化石组合及其地质背景.见:陈丕基,金帆主编.热河生物群.合肥:中国科学技术出版社. Palaeoworld 11(1999):310-327
13. 汪筱林,王元青,金帆,徐星,王原. 辽西热河生物群脊椎动物化石组合序列与地层层序.见:王元青,邓涛主编.第七届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集.北京:海洋出版社.(1999) 1-12
14. 汪筱林,王元青,徐星,王原,张江永,张福成,金帆,顾罡. 辽西四合屯脊椎动物化石群集群死亡事件:火山爆发的灾变记录.地质论评,45(增刊)(1999): 458-467
15. 张福成, 徐星, 吕君昌, 欧阳涟. 孔子鸟(Confuciusornis)、扬子鳄(Alligator)及一兽脚类恐龙长骨组织结构和生长方式差异及其意义. 1999. Palaeoworld. 11: 296-309.
16. Zhao XJ, Cheng ZW, Xu Xing. The earliest ceratopsian from Tuchengzi Formation of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 14(4)(1999):681-691 (Corresponding author)
17. Xu Xing, Wang XL, You HL. A primitive ornithopod from the Yixian Formation of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 38(4)( 2000): 318-325
18. Xu Xing, Wang XL. Troodontid-like pes in the dromaeosaurid Sinornithosaurus. Paleontology Society of Korea, Special Publication, 2000(4): 179-188
19. Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Wang XL. The smallest known non-avian theropod dinosaur. Nature, 408 (2000): 705-708. Supp
20. 徐星,赵喜进,吕君昌,黄万波,李占扬,董枝明 河南内乡桑坪组一新禽龙及其地层学意义。古脊椎动物学报。38(3)(2000):179-191
21. Wang Y, Gao KQ, Xu Xing. Early evolution of discoglossid frogs: new evidence from the Mesozoic of China. Naturwissenschaften, 87(9)(2000): 417-420
22. 汪筱林,王元青,张江永,金帆,周忠和,徐星,张福成,王原,胡耀明,吕君昌,顾罡。热河群脊椎动物新发现及中国北方非海相侏罗–白垩系界线.见:“第三届全国地层会议论文集”编委会编,第三届全国地层会议论文集.北京:地质出版社.(2000): 252-259
23. Zhou ZH, Wang XL, Zhang FC, Xu Xing. Important features of Caudipteryx—evidence from two nearly complete new specimens. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报), 38(4)(2000):241-254
24. Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Prum R. Branched integumental structures in Sinornithosaurus and the origin of freathers. Nature 410(2001):200-204.
25. Xu Xing, Wang XL, You HL. A juvenile ankylosaur from China. Naturwissenschaften. 88(2001): 297-300
26. Xu Xing, Zhao XJ, Clark JM. A new therizinosaur from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation of Yunnan, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(2001): 477-483.
27. Xu Xing, Xiao-chun Wu. Cranial morphology of Sinornithosaurus millenii Xu et al., 1999 (Dinosauria: Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae) from the Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China. Canadian Journal of Earth Science. 38 (2001): 1-14.
28. Rowe T, Ketcham RA, Denison C, Colbert M, Xu Xing, Currie PJ. Forensic palaeontology: The Archaeoraptor forgery. Nature 410 (2001), 539–540
29. Wang XL, Xu Xing. A new iguanodontid (Jinzhousaurus yangi gen. et sp. nov.) from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. Chinese Science Bulletin. 46(5)(2001): 419-423。
30. Zhang XH, Xu Xing, Zhao XJ, Sereno P, Kuang XW, Tan L. A long-necked therizinosauroid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Iren Dabasu Formation of Nei Mongol, People’s Republic of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 39(4)( 2001): 282-290
31. Xu Xing, Norell MA, Wang XL, Makovicky PJ, Wu XC. A basal troodontid from the Early Cretaceous of China. Nature 415(2002): 780-784. Supp
32. Xu Xing, Makovicky PJ, Wang XL, Norell MA, You HL. A ceratopsian dinosaur from China and the early evolution of Ceratopsia. Nature 416 (6878)( 2002): 314-317. Supp
33. Xu Xing, Cheng YN, Wang XL, Chang CH. An unusual oviraptorosaurian dinosaur China. Nature 419(2002): 291-293. Supp
34. Xu Xing, Zhang Xiao-hong, Paul Sereno, Zhao Xi-jin, Kuang Xue-Wen, han Jun & Tan Lin. A new therizinosauroid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Iren Dabasu Formation of Nei Mongol. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 40(2002): 228-240.
35. Swisher CC, Wang XL, Zhou ZH, Wang YQ, Jin F, Zhang JY, Xu Xing, Zhang FC, Wang Y. Further Support for a Cretaceous age for the Feathered- Dinosaur Beds of Liaoning, China: New 40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Yixian and Tuchengzi Formations. Chinese Science Bulltin 46(23)(2002): 2009-2013.
36. Wang XL, Zhou ZH, Zhang FC, Xu Xing. A nearly completely articulated rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur with exceptionally well-preserved wing membranes and “hairs” from Inner Mongolia, northeast China. Chinese Science Bulletin 47(2002): 54-58.
37. Zhang FC, Zhou ZH, Xu Xing, Wang XL. A juvenile coelurosaurian theropod from China indicates arboreal habits. Naturwissenschaften 89(2002): 394-398.
38. Xu Xing. 2002. Deinonychosaurian Fossils from the Jehol Group of Western Liaoning and the Coelurosaurian Evolution (Ph.D. dissertation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2002: 1-322
39. Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Wang XL, Kuang XW, Zhang FC, Du XK. Four-winged dinosaurs from China. Nature. 421(2003): 335-340
40. Xu Xing, Wang XL. A new maniraptoran dinosaur from the early Cretacous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning. Vertebrata Palasiatica(古脊椎动物学报). 41(3)(2003): 195-202.
41. Xu Xing, Cheng YN, Wang XL, Chang CS. Pygostyle-like structure from Beipiaosaurus (Theropoda, Therizinosauroidea) from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition). 77(3)(2003): 294-298.
42. Chuong CM, Wu P, Zhang FC, Xu Xing, Yu MK, Widelitz R, Jiang TX, Hou LH. Adaptation to the sky: defining the feather with integument fossils from Mesozoic China and experimental evidence from molecular laboratories. Journal of experimental Zoology (Mol Dev Evol). 298B(2003): 42-56.
43. You Hailu, Xu Xing and Wang Xiaolin. A new genus of Psittacosauridae (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) and the origin and early evolution of marginocephalian dinosaurs. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition). 77(1)( 2003): 15-20.
44. Xu Xing, Norell MA. A new troodontid from China with avian-like sleeping posture. Nature 431(2004), 838-841. Sup
45. Xu Xing, M. A. Norell, X.-W. Kuang, X.-L. Wang, Zhao Q, Jia CK. Basal tyrannosauroids from China and evidence for protofeathers in tyrannosauroids. Nature 431(2004), 680-684. Supp
46. Xu Xing, Wang XL. A new dromaeosaur (Dinosauria:Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 42(2)(2004), 111-119.
47. Xu Xing, Wang XL. A new troodontid (Theropoda: Troodontidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 78(1)(2004), 22-26.
48. Clark, JM, Xu Xing, Forster CA, Wang Y. A Middle Jurassic ‘sphenosuchian’from China and the origin of the crocodylian skull. Nature 430(2004), 1021-1024
49. Xu Xing, Zhang FC. A new maniraptoran dinosaur from China with long feathers on the metatarsus. Naturwissenschaften, 92(2005), 173-177.
50. Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Wang XL, Kuang XW, Zhang FC, Du XK. Could ‘four-winged’ dinosaurs fly? Nature. 2005. doi:10.1038/nature04355
51. Barrett PM, Xu Xing. A reassessment of Dianchungosaurus lufengensis Yang, 1982a, an enigmatic reptile from the Lower Lufeng Formation (Lower Jurassic) of Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China. Journal of Paleontology 79 (5)( 2005), 981-986.
52. Rauhut, OWM, Xu Xing. The small theropod dinosaurs Tugulusaurus and Phaedrolosaurus from the Early Cretaceous of Xinjiang, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25 (1)( 2005): 107-118.
53. Wang XL, Zhou ZH, He HY, Jin F, Wang YQ, Zhang JY, Wang Y, Xu Xing, Zhang FC. Stratigraphy and age of the Daohugou Bed in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia Chinese Science Bulletin 50 (20)( 2005), 2369-2376.
54. You HL, Xu Xing. An adult specimen of Hongshanosaurus houi (Dinosauria: Psittacosauridae) from the Lower Cretaceous of western Liaoning Province, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 79 (2)(2005), 168-173.
55. Xu Xing. Feathered dinosaurs from China and the evolution of major avian characters. Integrative Zoology 1(2006), 4-11.
56. Xu Xing, Zhang XH, Tan QW, Zhao XJ, Tan L. A new titanosaurian sauropod from Late Cretaceous Nei Mongol of China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 80(1)( 2006): 20-26
57. Xu Xing, Norell MA. Non-Avian dinosaur fossils from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning, China. Geological Journal, 41(3-4)(2006): 419-437.
58. Xu Xing, Clark JM, Forster CA, Norell MA, Erickson GM, Eberth DA, Jia CK, Zhao Q. A basal tyrannosauroid dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of China. Nature 439(2006): 715-718. Supp
59. Xu Xing, Forster CA, Clark JM, Mo J. A basal ceratopsian with transitional features from the Late Jurassic of northwestern China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 273(1598)(2006): 2135-2140
60. Xu Xing. Scales, feathers, and dinosaurs. Nature, 440(2006): 287-288
61. Xu Xing Deinonychosaurian fossils from the Jehol Group and the coelurosaurian evolution. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 23 (5)(2006): 708-712.
62. 徐星。热河群非鸟虚骨龙类化石及鸟类起源探讨。见:戎嘉余(主编),方宗杰,周忠和,詹仁斌,王向东,袁训来(副主编)。生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变-华夏化石记录的启示。北京:科学出版社。(2006) 627-642.
63. Clark JM, Xu Xing, Eberth D, Forster CA, Malkus M, Hemming S, Hernandez R. The Mid-Late Jurassic terrestrial transition: new discoveries form the Shishugou Formation, China. (2006) Pp. 26-28 in P.M. Barrett, D.J. Batten, S. Evans, J. Nudds, P.A. Selden and A. Ross (eds) Ninth International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Department of Palaeontology, Natural History Museum of London, Manchester, England.
64. Mo JY, Wang W, Huang ZT, Huang X, Xu Xing. A basal titanosauriform from the Early Cretaceous of Guangxi, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 80(4) (2006): 486-489
65. Zhao XJ, Chen, ZW, Xu Xing, Makovicky P. A primitive ceratopsian from the Late Jurassic Houcheng Formation of Heibei. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 80(4) (2006): 467-473
66. Xu Xing, Tan QW, Wang JM, Zhao XJ, Tan L. A gigantic bird-like dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of China. Nature. 447(2007). 844-847
67. Jia CK, Foster CA, Xu Xing, Clark J. The first stegosaur (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 81(3) (2007): 351-356. (corresponding author).
68. Li PP, Gao KQ, Hou LH, Xu Xing. A gliding lizard from the Early Cretaceous of China. PNAS 104(13) (2007): 5507–5509 (corresponding author)
69. Erickson G.M., Curry-Rogers K, Varricchio DJ, Norell, MA, Xu Xing. Growth patterns in brooding dinosaurs reveals the timing of sexual maturity in non-avian dinosaurs and genesis of the avian condition. Biology Letters. 3(2007): 558-561.
70. Mo J, Zhao ZR, Wang W, Xu Xing. The first hadrosaurid dinosaur from southern China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 81(4)(2007): 550-554.
71. Upchurch P, Barrett PM, Zhao XJ, Xu Xing . A re-evaluation of Chinshakiangosaurus chunghoensis Ye vide Dong 1992 (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha): implications for cranial evolution in basal sauropod dinosaurs. Geol. Mag. 144 (2)(2007), 247–262.
72. Xu Xing, Clark JM. The presence of a gigantic theropod in the Jurassic Shishugou Formation, Junggar Basin, western China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 46(2008): 157-160
73. Benson R, Xu Xing. The anatomy and systematic position of the theropod dinosaur Chilantaisaurus tashuikouensis Hu, 1964 from the Early Cretaceous of Alanshan, People’s Republic of China. Geol. Mag. 145(6)(2008):778–789.
74. Zhang FC, Zhou ZH, Xu Xing, Wang XL, Sullivan C. A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran from China with elongate ribbon-like feathers. Nature. 455(2008): 1105-1108 doi:10.1038/nature07447
75. Xu Xing, Zhao Q, Norell MA, Sullivan C, Hone D, Erickson GM, Wang XL, Han FL, Guo Y. A new feathered maniraptoran dinosaur fossil that fills a morphological gap in avian origin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54 (3)( 2009): 430-435
76. Xu Xing, Clark JM, Mo JY, Choiniere J, Forster CA, Erickson GM, Hone D, Sullivan C, Eberth DA, Nesbitt S, Zhao Q, Hernandez R., Jia CK, Han FL, Guo Y. A Jurassic ceratosaur from China helps clarify avian digital homologies. Nature, 459(2009): 940-944 Supp
77. Xu Xing. Old bones unearth a new passion. Nature, 457(2009): 538-539
78. Xu Xing, Zheng XT, You HL. A new feather type in a nonavian theropod and the early evolution of feathers. PNAS, 106(2009): 832-834
79. Xu Xing, Guo Y. The origin and early evolution of feathers: insights from recent paleontological and neontological data. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报), 47(4)(2009):145-167
80. 徐星. 鸟类手指同源问题的研究进展。中国自然科学基金。5(2009): 298-300.
81. Balanoff AM, Xu Xing, Yoshitsugu K, Yusuke M,
Mark AM. Cranial Osteology of the Theropod Dinosaur Incisivosaurus gauthieri (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria). American Museum Novitates. 3651(2009): 1-35.
82. Barrett PM, Bulter RJ, Wang XL, Xu Xing. Cranial anatomy of the iguanodontoid ornithopod Jinzhousaurus yangi from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54(2009): 35-48
83. Brusatte SL, Benson RBJ, Chure DJ, Xu Xing, Sullivan C, Hone DWE. The first definitive carcharodontosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from Asia and the delayed ascent of tyrannosaurids. Naturwissenschaften (2009). DOI 0.1007/s00114-009-0565-2
84. Clark JM, Xu Xing Evolutionary transitions among dinosaurs: example from the Jurassic of China. Evo Edu Outreach, 2(2009):236–247
85. Hu DY, Hou LH, Zhang LJ, Xu Xing. A pre-Archaeopteryx troodontid from China with long feathers on the metatarsus. Nature 461(2009): 640-643 (corresponding author) Sup
86. Zheng XT, You HL, Xu Xing, Dong ZM. An Early Cretaceous heterodontosaurid dinosaur with filamentous integumentary structures. Nature, 458(2009), 333-336
87. Xu Xing, Wang KB, Zhao XJ, Li DJ. First ceratopsid dinosaur from China and its biogeographical Implications. Chinese Science Bulletin. 55(16)(2010): 1631?1635.
88. Xu Xing, Ma QY, Hu DY. Pre-Archaeopteryx coelurosaurian dinosaurs and their implications for understanding avian origins. Chinese Sci Bull. 55(2010): 1–7, doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-4150-z
89. Xu Xing. Horned dinosaurs venture abroad. Nature 465(2010): 431-432.
90. Xu Xing. A palaeontologist considers the evolution of birds’ mechanism of breathing. Nature 464(2010): 961.
91. Xu Xing, Luo ZX, Rong JY. Recent advances in Chinese palaeontology. Proc. R. Soc. B. 277(2010), 161–164.
92. Xu Xing, Zheng XT, You HL. Exceptional dinosaur fossils show ontogenetic development of early feathers. Nature 464(2010): 1338-1341. Supp
93. Xu Xing, Wang KB, Zhao XJ, Sullivan C, Chen SQ. A New Leptoceratopsid (Ornithischia: Ceratopsia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Shandong, China and Its Implications for Neoceratopsian Evolution. PLoS ONE 5(11)(2010): e13835. 2010.
94. Xu Xing, Choiniere J, Pittman M, Tan QW, Xiao D, Li ZQ, Tan L, Clark J, Norell M, Hone D, Sullivan C. Anew dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Wulansuhai Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. Zootaxa 2403(2010): 1–9.
95. Xu Xing, Wang DY, Sullivan C, Hone D, Han FL, Yan RH, Du FM. A basal parvicursorine (Theropoda: Alvarezsauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of China.Zootaxa 2413(2010): 1–19.
96. Xu Xing, Zheng XT, You HL. Reply to “Moulting tail feathers in a juvenile oviraptorisaur”. Nature 468(2010): E2. doi:10.1038/nature09481
97. Xu Xing, Han FL A new oviraptorid dinosaur (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 48(2010): 11-18
98. Andres B, Clark JM, Xu Xing. A new rhamphorhynchid pterosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Xinjiang, China, and the phylogenetic relationships of basal pterosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(2010): 163-187
99. Amiot R, Kusuhashi N, Xu Xing, Wang YQ. Isolated dinosaur teeth from the Lower Cretaceous Shahai and Fuxin formations of northeastern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 39(2010): 347–358.
100. Brusatte S, Norell M, Carr T, Erickson G, Hutchinson J, Balanoff A, Bever G, Choiniere J, Makovicky P, Xu Xing. Tyrannosaur Paleobiology: New Research on Ancient Exemplar Organisms. Science 329(2010), 1481-1485. SuppInfo
101. Brusatte S, Chure D, Benson R, Xu Xing. The osteology of Shaochilong maortuensis, a carcharodontosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of Asia. Zootaxa 2334(2010): 1–46.
102. Brusatte S, Benson R, Xu Xing. The evolution of large-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Mesozoic in Asia. Journal of Iberian Geology 36 (2)(2010): 275-296
103. Choinierea J, Clark J, Forster C, Xu Xing. A basal coelurosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) of the Shishugou Formation in Wucaiwan, People's Republic of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(6) (2010):1773–1796.
104. Choiniere J, Xu Xing, Clark J, Forster C, Guo Y, Han FL. A Basal Alvarezsauroid Theropod from the Early Late Jurassic of Xinjiang, China. Science 327(2010): 571-575. Supp
105. Eberth D, Xu Xing, Clark J. Dinosaur Death Pits From The Jurassic Of China. Palaios. 25(2010): 112–125.
106. Hone D, Xu Xing, Wang DY. A probable baryonychine (Theropoda: Spinosauridae) tooth from the Late Cretaceous of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 48(2010): 19-26.
107. Hone D, Tischlinger H, Xu Xing et al. The Extent of the Preserved Feathers on the Four-Winged Dinosaur Microraptor gui under Ultraviolet Light. PLoS ONE 5(2010): e9223
108. Hone DWE, Choiniere J, Sullivan C, Xu Xing, Pittman M, Tan QW. New evidence for a trophic relationship between the dinosaurs Velociraptor and Protoceratops. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291(2010): 488–492
109. Hu DY, Li L, Hou LH, Xu Xing. A new sapeornithid bird from China and its implication for early avian evolution. Acta Geologica sinica (English Edition). 84 (3)(2010): 472-482.
110. Mo JY, Xu Xing, Evans SE. The evolution of the lepidosaurian lower temporal bar: new perspectives from the Late Cretaceous of South China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277(2010): 331-336
111. Mo JY, Xu Xing, Eric Buffetaut. A new eusauropod dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Guangxi Province, Southern China. Acta Geologica sinica(English Edition) 84(6)(2010): 1328-1335.
112. Sullivan C, Hone DWE, Xu Xing, Zhang FC. The asymmetry of the carpal joint and the evolution of wing folding in maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs. Proc. R. Soc. B 277(2010), 2027-2033. Supp
113. Zhang FC, Kearns S, Orr P, Benton M, Zhou ZH Johnson D, Xu Xing, Wang XL. Fossilized melanosomes and the colour of Cretaceous dinosaurs and birds. Nature. 463(2010): 1075-1078.
114. Zheng XT, Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Miao DS, Zhang FC. Comment on “Narrow Primary Feather Rachises in Confuciusornis and Archaeopteryx Suggest Poor Flight Ability”. Science 330(2010), 320-c (corresponding author)
115. Zheng XT, Xu Xing, You HL et al. A short-armed dromaeosaurid from the Jehol Group of China with implications for early dromaeosaurid evolution. Proceedings of Royal Society Biological Science 277(2010): 211-217 (corresponding author)
116. Xu Xing, Sullivan C, Pittman M et al. A monodactyl non-avian dinosaur and the complex evolution of the alvarezsauroid hand. PNAS 108(2011): 2338-2342
117. Xu Xing, Sullivan C, Pittman M et al. Reply to Dyke and Naish: European alvarezsauroids do not change the picture. PNAS 108(2011): E148
118. Xu Xing, Tan QW, Sullivan C et al. A short-armed troodontid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia and its implications for troodontid evolution. PLoS ONE 6(2011): 1-12
119. Xu Xing, You H, Du K et al. An Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China and the origin of Avialae. Nature 475(2011): 465-470
120. Xu Xing, Choiniere J, Sullivan C et al., 2011. Comment on “Embryological evidence identifies wing digits in birds as digits 1, 2, and 3.” Nature Precedings <http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/npre.2011.6433.1>
121. Xu Xing, Clark J, Choiniere J et al., 2011. Reply to “Limusaurus and bird digit identity”. Nature Precedings <http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/npre.2011.6375.1
122. Amiot R, Wang X, Zhou ZH, Wang XL, Buffetaut E, Lécuyer C, Ding ZL, Fluteau F, Hibino T, Kusuhashi N, Mo JY, Vteethorn V, Wang, YQ, Xu Xing, Zhang FS. Oxygen isotopes of east Asian dinosaurs reveal exceptionally cold Early Cretaceous Climates. PNAS 108(2011): 5179-5183 Supp
123. Han F, Clark J M, Xu Xing et al. Theropod teeth from the Middle-Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of northwest Xinjiang, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31(2011): 111-126
124. Hone DWE, Wang K, Sullivan C, Zhao XJ, Chen SQ, Li DJ, Ji SA, Ji Q, Xu Xing. A new, large tyrannosaurine theropod from the Upper Cretaceous of China. Cretaceous Research 32(2011): 495-503
125. Hu DY, Li L, Hou LH, Xu Xing. A new enantiornithine bird from the Lower Cretaceous of western Liaoning, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31(2011): 154-161
126. O'Connor J, Zhou ZH, Xu Xing 2011. Additional specimen of Microraptor provides unique evidence of dinosaurs preying on birds. PNAS 108(2011): 19662-19665
127. Xu Xing. Evolution: take wings with weak feathers. Current Biology 22(2012): 992-994
128. Xu Xing, Wang KB, Zhang K et al. A gigantic feathered dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of China. Nature 484(2012): 92-95 Supp
129. Xu Xing, Zhao Q, Sullivan C et al. The taxonomy of the troodontid IVPP V10597 reconsidered Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 50(2012): 140-150
130. Barrett PM, Xu Xing. The enigmatic reptile Pachysuchus imperfectus Young, 1951 from the Lower Lufeng Formation (Lower Jurassic )of Yunnan, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 50(2012): 151-159
131. Brinkman DB, Eberth DA, Xu Xing et al. Turtles from the Jurassic Shishugou Formation of the Junggar Basin, People's Republic of China, with comments on the basicranial region of basal eucryptodires. In: D B Brinkman, P A Holroyd and J D Gardner Eds.Morphology and Evolution of Turtles. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media (2012):147-172
132. Brusatte SL, Benson RBJ, Xu Xing. A reassessment of Kelmayisaurus petrolicus, a large theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57(2012): 65-72
133. Gao TP, Shih CK, Xu Xing et al. Mid-Mesozoic flea-like ectoparasites of feathered or haired vertebrates. Current Biology 22(2012): 732-735
134. Han FL, Barrett P M, Butler RJ, Xu Xing. Postcranial anatomy of Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32(2012): 1370-1395
135. Hu D, Xu Xing, Hou LH et al. A new enantiornithine bird from the Lower Cretaceous of Western Liaoning, China, and its implications for early avian evolution. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32(2012): 639-645
136. Mo JY, Xu Xing, Evans SE. A large predatory lizard (Platynota, Squamata) from the Late Cretaceous of South China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 10(2012): 333-339
137. O'Connor JK, Sun CL, Xu Xing et al. A new species of Jeholornis with complete caudal integument. Historical Biology 24(2012): 29-41
138. Sullivan C, Hone D, Xu Xing The search for dinosaurs in Asia. In: MK Brett-Surman, TR Holtz, JO Farlow Eds. The Complete Dinosaur (Second Edition). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (2012):73-106
139. Xu Xing, Tan Q, Sullivan C et al. A new oviraptorid from the Upper Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica (古脊椎动物学报) 51(2)(2013): (in press)
140. Xu, X. 2013. Giants unearthed. Nature, 496: 30.
141. Xu, X. 2013. Avian Ancestors-A Review Of The Phylogenetic Relationships Of The Theropods Unenlagiidae, Microraptoria, Anchiornis And Scansoriopterygidae. Federico L. Agnolín And Fernando E. Novas. Ameghiniana, 50 (4): 1
142. Xu, X. & Macem, S. 2013. Tracing the evolution of avian wing digits. Current Biology, 23: 538-544.
143. Xu, X. & Pol, D. 2013. Archaeopteryx, paravian phylogenetic analyses, and the use of probability-based methods for palaeontological datasets. Journal of Systematic Palaentology. Doi: 10.1080/14772019.2013.764357
144. Xu, X., Sullivan, C. & Wang, S. 2013a. The systematic position of the enigmatic theropod dinosaur Yixianosaurus longimanus. Vertebrata Pal Asiatica, 51(3): 169-183.
145. Xu, X., Tan, Q., Sullivan, C., Ma, Q., Hone, D., Han, F., Tan, L. & Xiao, D. 2013b. A new oviraptorid from the Upper Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, China. Vertebrata Pal Asiatica, 51(2): 85-101.
146. Zheng, X., Zhou, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, F., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Wei, G., Wang, S. & Xu, X. 2013. Hind wings in basal birds and the evolution of leg feathers. Science, 339: 1309-1312 (通讯作者) Supp
147. Bever, G.S., Brusatte, S.L., Carr, T.D., Xu, X., Balanoff, A.M. & Norell, M.A. 2013. The Braincase Anatomy Of The Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Alioramus (Theropoda: Tyrannosauroidea). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural Hisotry, 376: 1-72.
148. Gao, T.P., Shih, C., Rasnitsyn, A.P., Xu, X., Wang, X. & Ren, D. 2013. New transitional fleas from China highlighting diversity of Early Cretaceous ectoparasitic insects. Current Biology, 23: 1-6.
149. He, Y., Clark, J. & Xu, X. 2013. A large theropod metatarsal from the upper part of Jurassic Shishugou Formation in Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China. Vertebrata Pal Asiatica, 51(1): 29-42.
150. Li, L., Tong, H.Y., Wang, K.-B., Chen, S.Q. & Xu, X. 2013. Lindholmemydid turtles (Cryptodira: Testudinoidea) from the Late Cretaceous of Shandong Province, China. Annales de Paleontologie, 99: 243-259.
151. Pol, D., Rauhut, O.W.M., Lecuona, A., Leardi, J.M., Xu, X. & Clark, J.M. 2013. A new fossil from the Jurassic of Patagonia reveals the early basicranial evolution and the origins of Crocodyliformes. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 88(4): 862-872.
152. Wang, S., Sun, C., Sullivan, C. & Xu, X. 2013. A new oviraptorid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of southern China. Zootaxa, 3640(2): 242-251.
153. Xing, L.-D., Persons, W.S., Bell, P.R., Xu, X., Zhang, J.P., Miyashita, T., Wang, F.P. & Currie, P.J. 2013a.Piscivory in the featehred dinosaur Microraptor. Evolution, 67(8): 2441-2445.
154. Xing, L.-D., Roberts, E.M., Harris, J.D., Gingras, M.K., Ran, H., Zhang, J.P., Xu, X., Burns, M.E. & Dong, Z.M. 2013b. Novel insect traces on a dinosaur skeleton from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation of China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 388: 58-68.
155. Yang, W.B., Niu, H.C., Sun, W.D., Shan, Q., Zheng, Y.F., Li, N.B., Li, C.Y., Arndt, N.T., Xu, X., Jiang, Y.H. & Yu, X.Y. 2013. Isotopic evidence for continental ice sheet in mid-latitude region in the supergreenhouse Early Cretaceous. Scientific Reports, 3(2732): 1-6.
156. Zhao, Q., Benton, M. J., Sullivan, C., Sander, P. M. & Xu, X. 2013. Histology and postural change during the growth of the ceratopsian dinosaur Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis. Nature communications, 4:2079. Doi: 10.1038/ncomms3079
157. Xu, X. 2014. Bedrock of China. Nature, 506: 32.
1. Xu Xing, Zhao XJ, Lu JC, Dong ZM, Huang WB. 1999. A new hardosaur-like iguanodontian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Sangpin Formation of Henan province, China. J. Vert. Paleontol. 19 (suppl.): 86A.
2. Clark JA, Xu Xing, Forster C, Wang Y, Andres B. 2002. New small dinosaurus form the Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation at Wucaiwan, Xinjiang, China. J. Vert. Paleontol. 22 (suppl.): 44A.
3. Xu Xing 2004. Feathered dinosaurs from China and the origin of birds. Proceedings of the XIXTH international congress of Zoology (August 23-27, Beijing). Pp. 3-6.
4. Xu Xing, Zhou ZH., Zhang FC., Wang XL, Kuang XW. 2004. Functional hind-wings conform to the hip-strcuture in dromaeosaurids. Vert. Paleontol. 24 (suppl.): 133A.
5. Clark JA, Xu Xing, Forster C, Wang Y, Eberth D. 2004. New discoveries from the Middle-to-Upper Jurassic Shishugou Fromation, Xinjing, China. Vert. Paleontol. 24 (suppl.): 46A.
6. Makovicky P, Xu Xing. 2004. Basal ceratopsians from China and Mongolia with a reappraisal of basal ceratopsian relationships. Vert. Paleontol. 24 (suppl.): 88A
7. Barrett P, Upchurch P, Xu Xing, Zhao XJ. 2005. Chinshakiangosaurus and the early evolution of herbivory in sauropod dinosaurus. J. Vert. Paleontol. 25 (suppl.): 34A
8. Xu Xing, Norell M. 2006. Dinosaur fossils from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of China. Pp. 184 in P.M. Barrett, D.J. Batten, S. Evans, J. Nudds, P.A. Selden and A. Ross (eds) Ninth International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Department of Palaeontology, Natural History Museum of London, Manchester, England.
9. Xu Xing, Clark JA. 2006. New ceratosaurs from the Jurassic Shishugou Formation of western China. J. Vert. Paleontol. 26 (suppl.): 142A.
10. Clark JA, Xu Xing, Forster C. 2006. The fauna of the Middle-Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation, western China. J. Vert. Paleontol. 26 (suppl.): 50A.
11. Eberth D, Xu Xing, Clark JA, Machlusm M. 2006. The dinosaur-bearing Shishugou Formation (Jurassic, northwest China) revealed. J. Vert. Paleontol. 26 (suppl.): 58A
12. Xu Xing, Zhao Q. 2007. Coelurosaurian phylogeny revisited: recovering phylogenetic signals from subtile morphological variations. J. Vert. Paleontol. 27 (suppl.): 169A
13. Zhao Q, Xu Xing. 2008. A new theropod from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. J. Vert. Paleontol. 28 (suppl.): 164A.
14. Xu Xing and Clark JA. 2008. Homologies in the hand of theropods. J. Vert. Paleontol. 28 (suppl.): 163A.
15. Choinere J., Clark JA., Xu Xing, Forster C. 2008. A new basal coelurosaur from the Upper Shishigou Formation (Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China). J. Vert. Paleontol. 28 (suppl.): 63A.
16. Sullivan C., Xu Xing, and Zhang F.-C. 2008. Some functionally significant aspects of ankle structure in theropod dinosaurs. J. Vert. Paleontol. 28 (suppl.): 149A.
17. Choiniere J, Clark J, Xu Xing, Han FL. 2009. A new basal alvarezsaur from the Shishugou Formation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 77A.
18. Clark J, Xu Xing. 2009. Shartegosuchid crocodyliforms from the Late Jurassic of Asia and North America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 79A.
19. Hone D, Wedel M, Xu Xing, Clark J. 2009. A small Asian brachiosaurid sauropod dinosaur from the Late Middle Jurassic of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 116A.
20. Hu DY, Hou LH, Xu Xing. 2009. A new enantiornithine bird from the Lower Cretaceous of western Liaoning, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 118A.
21. Sullivan C, Hone D, Xu Xing, Zhang FC. 2009. The asymmetric carpus of advanced non-avian theropods and its role in the evolution of the flight stroke. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 188A.
22. Xu Xing, Hu DY. 2009. An exceptionally well preserved Jurassic terrestrial fauna in northeastern China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 204A (口头报告, 69th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology)
23. Zhao Q, Xu Xing. 2009. A study on ontogenetic changes in Psittacosaurus using geometric morphometrics method. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29 (suppl): 206A.
24. Blumhagen E, Brake A, Zhang FC, Xu Xing, Claessens L. 2010. Three-dimensional digital reconstruction of fossil birds and non-avian theropods preserved in slab and counterslab using laser surface scanning. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (suppl): 60A.
25. Choiniere J, Domitrov D, Anton-Fernandez C, Xu Xing, Clark J. Analysis of homology in serially repetitive morphological structures: the theropod digit problem. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (suppl): 72A.
26. Dececchi TA, Larsson H, Sullivan C, Xu Xing. 2010. A re-analysis of the “coelurosaurian pit-bull” Yixianosaurus longimanus with implications fro the theropod dinosaur diversity of the jehol Biota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (suppl): 81A.
27. Larsson H, Hone DW, Dececchi TA, Sullivan C, Xu Xing. 2010. The winged non-aivan dinosaur Microraptor fed on mammals: implications for the jehol Biota ecosystem. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (suppl): 120A.
28. Sullivan C, Xu Xing, Zhang FC, Drake A, Cooper M. 2010. Function and evolution of the ankle joint in theropod dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (suppl): 172A.
29. Upchurch P, Barrett P, Xu Xing, Li K. 2010. New information on the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Middle and Late Jurassic sauropods from China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (suppl): 180A
30. Han FL, Xu Xing, Barrett P 2011. Anatomy of Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis and a phylogenetic analysis of basal ornithischians. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31 (suppl): 121.
31. O’Connor JM, Zhou Z, Xu Xing 2011. Small theropod with bird in stomach indicates both lived in trees. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31 (suppl): 168.
32. Sullivan C, Wang Y, Hone DW, Wang YQ, Xu Xing. 2011. The vertebrate fauna of the Jurassic Daohugou Biota from northeastern China, and its ecological and evolutionary implications. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31 (suppl): 201.
33. Xu Xing, Sullivan C, Zhang FC, O’Connor JM. 2011. A new eumaniraptoran phylogeny and its implications for avialan origins. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31 (suppl): 217
34. Zhang SK, Zhao ZK, Xu Xing. 2011. A large clutch of dinosaur eggs showing unexpected variability from Yun County, hubei Province, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31 (suppl): 219.
35. Zhao Q, Benton M, Hayashi S, Sander PM, Xu Xing. 2011. Long bone histology and growth patterns of Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis (Ceratopsia: Psittacosauridae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 31 (suppl): 220.
36. Clark, JA, Xu Xing, Choiniere, JN, Eberth DA, CHU HJ. 2012. The vertebrate fauna of the Middle-Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, China: recent discoveries J. Vert. Paleontol. 32 (suppl): 79.
37. Hayashi S, Zhao Q, Watabe M, Carpenter K, Xu Xing. 2012. Phylogenetic and ontogenetic variations of bone histology in thyreophoran osteoderms. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 32 (suppl): 108.
38. Stiegler JB, Choiniere, JN, Xu Xing, Clark, JA. 2012. A multi-element histological analysis of the Jurassic tyrannosauroid Guanlong wucaii. J. Vert. Paleontol. 32 (suppl): 179.
39. Sullivan C, Hone, DW, Rothschild BM, Wang KB, Xu Xing. Tyrannosaurid dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group of Zhucheng, Shandong Province, China: coexisting giant Carnivores and a tyrant with a toothache. J. Vert. Paleontol. 32 (suppl): 181.
40. Wang S, Xu Xing 2012.A new oviraptorid specimen from the Upper Cretaceous of Southern China. J. Vert. Paleontol. 32 (suppl): 190.
41. Xu Xing. 2012. Origin and evolution of birds: combining paleontological and developmental evidence. 31st IUBS GA and Conference of Biological Sciences and Bioindustry.
Xu Xing New feathered dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China. October, 1999. 59th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Denver, USA.
Xu Xing New feathered dinosaurs from China with implications for feather origins. April, 2000. Florida Symposium on Dinosaurs Bird Evolution. Lauderdale, USA.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Feathered dinosaurs from China. June, 2000. 5th international symposium of avian Paleontology, Beijing.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Troodontid-like pes in a basal dromaeosaur. August 2000. 2000 International dinosaur symposium for the Kosong County’s dinosaurs in Korea. Kosong, Korea(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Recent dinosaurian discoveries from western Liaoning and their implications. October, 2001. International Symposium on Chinese Paleontology. Beijing, China(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Wang XL. et al. Functional hind-wings conform to the hip-structure in dromaeosaurids. November 2004. 64th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Denver, USA.
Xu Xing The origin and early evolution of feathers. September 2004. International symposium about the development of limbs and epithelial appendages. Yokohama, Japan.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Feathered dinosaurs from China and the origin of birds. August 2004. The XIXTH international congress of Zoology. Beijing.(大会报告)
Xu Xing Dinosaur fossils from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of China. 2006. 9th international symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Manchester, UK.(大会报告)
Xu Xing The origin of birds: advancements and perspectives. 2006. 1st International Symposium of Integrative Zoology, Beijing.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Chinese dinosaurs: new discoveries and insights. The 2nd international paleontological Congress. June 2006. Beijing (key-note speech) (特邀报告)
Xu Xing Coelurosaurian phylogeny revisited: recovering phylogenetic signals from subtile morphological variations, October 2007,67th annual meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Austin, USA
Xu Xing Why a robust phylogeny is important: a case study on dinosaur-bird transition. December 2007. 2nd International Symposium of Integrative Zoology. Beijing (特邀报告)
Xu Xing Coelurosaurian phylogeny: advancement, problems, and perspectives. 2007. International Dinosaur Symposium. Korea. (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Clark J. Homologies in the hand of theropods. October 2008. 68th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Cleveland, USA
Xu Xing, Hu DY. An exceptionally well preserved Jurassic terrestrial fauna in northeastern China. September 2009. 69th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Bristle, UK.
Xu Xing. The evolution of theropod hand. October 2009. Darwin 200 Beijing Conference. Beijing (特邀报告)
Xu Xing Recent advances in avian origin research. September 2009. Chaoyang International Symposium on Paleontology. Chaoyang, China.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Recent advances in research on avian origin. June 30, 2010. The third international paleontological Congress. London (key-note speech) (特邀报告)
Xu Xing Recent advances in research on avian origin. August 4, 2010. 12th annual meeting of Japanese Society of evolutionary studies. Tokyo, Japan (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Sullivan C, Zhang FC, O’Connor JM. 2011. A new eumaniraptoran phylogeny and its implications for avialan origins. 71th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Las Vegas, USA
Xu Xing Recent advances in research on Chinese dinosaurs. November 2011. World Conference on Paleontology and Stratigraphy (WCPS2011). Thailand (特邀报告)
Xu Xing A new paravian phylogeny and its implications for understanding avialan origins. April 2011. Dinosaur track symposium. Obernkirchen, Germany.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Research on Chinese Cretaceous dinosaurs. August 2011. International Symposium on Geology and Paleontology, Yichun, Heilongjiang.(大会报告)
Xu Xing Recent advances in research on avian origin. May 21, 2011,Int’l Symposium on Paleontology & Geology in Liaoning, China. Shenyang, China.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Origin and evolution of birds: combining paleontological and developmental evidence. July 6, 2012. The 31st IUBS general assembly and conferences on biological sciences and bioindustry. Suzhou, China.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Recent advances in Chinese dinosaur research. August 16 2012. 11th international symposium on Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems and biota, Gwangju, Korea.(大会报告)
Xu Xing Recent advances in research on avian origins. September 14, 2012. 83rd annual meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, Osaka, Japan.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing Origin and evolution of birds: combining paleontological and developmental evidence. Nov 15, 2012. 7th international chick meeting (Avian Model Systems), Nagoya, Japan. (特邀报告)
Xu Xing China’s fabulous feathered dinosaurs. Feb. 2013. AAAS Annual Meeting. Boston, USA. (特邀报告)