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博士后进站报告(Pierre Cockx)

发表日期:2024-07-16来源:放大 缩小

报告人:Dr. Pierre Cockx(皮埃尔.科克斯)

报告题目:Exploring feather evolution:insights from amber fossils and phylogenetic comparative methods







Dr Pierre Cockx’s PhD dissertation studied the morphology, especially the feather morphology, and the paleoecology of the bird remains in Cretaceous ambers from dinosaur bonebeds in Canada. After his PhD, he is working in the University of Bristol, UK, as a Marie Curie Fellow, continuing to explore evolution of feather function in early birds and dinosaurs. Based on the extensive data he collected on feather morphology, he is applying novel computational methods to determine timings of trait origins, rates of evolution, times of rapid innovation, and any correlations with potential drivers.

In his future postdoctoral project, Dr Pierre Cockx will make use of multiple imaging and analytical methods to investigate the transition from dinosaurs to birds. It will include fossil data as well as modern bird data. The morphology will be studied using robust novel computational methods such as ancestral state estimation, and an ontology based approach for calculating rates of evolution. Bird ecology and function will be explored through shape analyses (e.g., geometric morphometrics) and biomechanical analyses.

